مرحبا بكم في الأمم المتحدة

الدورة التدريبية لتطوير قيادة كبار الضباط الإناث

سيتم عقد الدورة التدريبية لتطوير قيادة كبار الضباط الإناث في يناير/ كانون الثاني 2018.
Start date: 
الأحد, كانون الثاني/يناير 14, 2018
End date: 
الجمعة, كانون الثاني/يناير 19, 2018
Event location: 
كوالالمبور، ماليزيا

While the representation of women has increased from 7 per cent to 17 per cent for individual police officers and from 2 per cent to 6 per cent within Formed Police Units from 2009 to 2016, women in command positions have remained very low with only one Head of Police Component in 17 missions throughout the period.

These development courses will help create a talent pool to fast track nominations of qualified female senior police officers who can be presented as candidates to the upcoming UN Police Command Course, the Senior Recruitment Roster and vacancy positions for leadership and middle management posts in UNPOL components in field missions and the Police Division.

Each training course will address the unique challenges and opportunities women face as they vie for nominations to leadership positions in police peacekeeping operations.

14-19 January 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

From 14 to 19 January 2018, the Police Division of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, ASEANAPOL and the Royal Malaysia Police will co-host the Second Female Senior Police Officer Command Development Course as a regional course for Anglophone Asia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Nominations have closed.

Application materials are located below:

Prerequisite readings

If you are selected to attend the course, please read the below materials:

Prerequisite online e-learning courses

Please ensure you complete the e-learning courses a week before the course begins. 

Additional information

For more information, please visit the following websites: