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MINUJUSTH and OHCHR release a report on the violent events of 13 and 14 November in La Saline

Port-au-Prince, 21 June 2019- The United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have released a report on the events that took place in La Saline, Port-au-Prince on 13 and 14 November 2018. During two days, five armed gangs conducted a planned attack on residents of this disenfranchised neighborhood, who were allegedly targeted for their supposed affiliation to rival armed gangs. The attack resulted in the killing of at least 26 people and acts violence, including two cases of gang rape.

On the basis of these findings, the report raises a number of concerns about human rights abuses committed against residents of La Saline and the alleged involvement of some agents of the State. It recalls the obligations of the Haitian State with respect to international human rights law and makes recommendations to ensure that those suspected of being responsible for such violence, including those with public functions, are brought to justice in accordance with international standards.

The conclusions of the report alert that the living conditions of the residents of La Saline have worsened since the attack, particularly with regard to access to basic services such as drinking water, health care and education.

The report recommends appropriate measures to ensure the safety, the physical and psychological integrity and dignity of the victims and the witnesses who have filed complaints in relation to these events, with special attention for children and victims of sexual violence.

The information presented in the report was collected by the Human Rights Service (HRS) of MINUJUSTH. The HRS met with victims and their families, eyewitnesses, representatives of Haitian civil society as well as State institutions, including the judiciary documenting the events and the authorities' response to the violence and the crimes committed. This report was shared with the Haitian government prior to its publication and the comments received were inserted into the text. The report does not pretend to be exhaustive and only presents the cases documented and verified by MINUJUSTH. The testimonies recorded suggest that the number of victims of the attacks of 13 and 14 November 2018 could be higher.




To read de full report:



Media contact : José Ignacio Martín Galán

Deputy Chief of Strategic Communication and Public Information – Deputy Spokesperson.

Mission des Nations Unies pour l’appui à la Justice en Haïti (MINUJUSTH)

Tel: +509 22 29 67 00; ext.: 7114 /Cell: +509 370 96 143 / Email: