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USG Peace Operations

11 Jan 2012
Madame le Président, Distingués membres du Conseil, 1. Je suis très heureux d’être ici aujourd’hui afin de vous exposer la situation au Darfour et la mise en oeuvre du mandat de la MINUAD. Suite au rapport du Secrétaire général du 30 décembre 2011 sur la MINUAD qui se trouve devant vous, j’aimerais souligner quelques points clés relatifs à la situation politique, sécuritaire et humanitaire au Darfour.
15 Nov 2011
Mr. President, 1. Thank you for this opportunity to further brief the Security Council on recent tensions at the border between Sudan and South Sudan, and recent reports of bombings in the border areas. I will also say a few words on the report of the creation of a new military coalition between the SPLM-North and Darfur rebel groups.   Mr. President,
11 Nov 2011
Mr. President, 1. Thank you for this opportunity to brief the Security Council on the situations in Sudan and South Sudan. Given the critical issues facing both countries, I paid my first field visit as Under-Secretary-General of Peacekeeping to Sudan and South Sudan from 30 October to 6 November, during which I met with senior officials from both Governments and President Mbeki of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel. Mr. President,
24 Oct 2011
Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects Dear Madam Chair, distinguished delegates, I am deeply honoured to have been appointed the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping. It is a great pleasure for me to be here with you and to address the Fourth Committee for the first time and to address you on UN Day. Your deliberations and collective leadership are vital to the work of all men and women serving in UN peacekeeping operations around the world.
13 Oct 2011
 I am very pleased to be here for what I intend to be the first of regular meetings, both in this setting but also in less formal settings. I do intend to work very closely with you.
4 Aug 2011
Looking back over an “intense” three-year tenure at the helm of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, outgoing Under-Secretary-General Alain Le Roy said that, despite some shortcomings, blue helmets should be credited for their achievements in reducing the scale of conflicts around the world.  
13 Jul 2011
M. le Président, 1. Je vous remercie de cette occasion de m’adresser au Conseil alors qu’il examine la demande d’adhésion de la République du Sud-Soudan à l’Organisation des Nations Unies. Je voudrais d’abord féliciter les Gouvernements du Sudan et du Sud-Soudan en ce moment historique. Les deux parties ont fait des compromis difficiles. Elles ont fait preuve de courage politique en respectant les résultats du référendum et s’assurant de l’indépendance pacifique du Sud-Soudan le 9 juillet.   M. le Président,
24 May 2011
I am honoured to be here today to celebrate the International Day of UN Peacekeepers.   Each year on this day, the United Nations honours those currently serving with such professionalism and dedication and remembers those who lost their lives in the cause of peace.  
15 Apr 2011
Despite very difficult circumstances, including the loss of many personnel, United Nations peacekeeping had passed critical tests in tackling “make-or-break” situations in Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti and Sudan, Secretariat officials said at Headquarters today.  
22 Feb 2011
Madam Chair, Distinguished Members of the Special Committee, 1. I am honoured to have been invited once again before the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and to open this Committee’s annual debate on the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects.   Introduction and operational context