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Press releases

24 Feb 2014
Statement by Under-Secretary-General Ameerah Haq  to the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations  24 February 2014  Madam Chair,  At the outset, let me congratulate you on the assumption of the Chair of this Special Committee. Madam Chair, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, 
24 Feb 2014
Statement by Under-Secretary-General Hervé Ladsous to the  Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations  24 February 2014  Good morning, ladies and gentleman, distinguished delegates. It is a pleasure to be with you this morning together with Under-Secretary-General Haq. We are also joined by our senior management team including the new leadership of our Office of Military Affairs, Lt. General Ahmed.
9 Jan 2014
Media stakeout, following Security Council meeting on the situation  in South Sudan and Sudan/South Sudan  Hervé Ladsous  United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations  Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,  We just had a long series of consultations in the Security Council, during which several of us briefed the Council on the situation, both, in South Sudan and also between Sudan and South Sudan.
13 Dec 2013
Martin Nesirky: Good afternoon, welcome to the briefing, I am joined by Under-Secretary-General Hervé Ladsous who is of course the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations. He is here for his, if you like, end of year press conference. I know he will have some introductory remarks and we will have time for questions, probably for about half an hour. So without further ado, please Mr Ladsous.
28 Oct 2013
[Introduction] Good morning, ladies and gentleman. It is my sincere pleasure to be with you this morning, along with Under-Secretary-General Ameerah Haq to share our perspectives and hear from you on the key challenges and opportunities before UN peacekeeping today.
28 Oct 2013
Statement by Under-Secretary-General for Field Support Ameerah Haq to the Fourth Committee 28 October 2013   Mr. Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates,
12 Sep 2013
Associate Spokesperson Farhan Haq: USG Ladsous is here to brief on a range of peacekeeping activities. He will make a short statement first and then we will take your questions after which we will do the second part of the briefing following his presentation. Under-Secretary-General Ladsous, welcome. Opening Remarks: Thank you very much and good morning, or afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
9 Sep 2013
Statement of Ameerah Haq UN Under-Secretary-General for Field Support  Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference  9 September  Auckland  Major General Gawn, General Odierno, Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,    It is a pleasure to be here in Auckland with you at the Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference.
13 Aug 2013 | Islamabad, Pakistan
Assalam Alaikum. May ya haan aakar bahut khush hoon! [I am so happy to be here.] It is a great honour and privilege for me on the occasion of my visit to Pakistan to participate in the inauguration ceremony for this Centre for International Peace and Stability – and it is a privilege to do so on the eve of your country’s Independence Day tomorrow. I sense great confidence and hope here today.
19 Jun 2013 | Beijing, China
I have seen the bravery of Chinese blue helmets helping struggling communities around the world. China provides more peacekeepers to the United Nations than all of the four other permanent members combined. I applaud this solidarity. A total of 14 Chinese have lost their lives in the service of peacekeeping. We will carry on their legacy by pursuing their noble work for peace. Today I would like to discuss three major challenges in peacekeeping: