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Press releases

27 Mar 2015
I am honoured to be here today at the closing of this first Conference of Chiefs of Defence ever held at the United Nations. I understand you have had a fruitful meeting.  I am encouraged by your discussions.  There is wide agreement on the value and crucial role of United Nations peacekeeping and peace operations. Constant, inclusive and transparent dialogue with all stakeholders is fundamental to strengthening our partnership. Your meeting here represents a critical moment in this dialogue and, in fact, for UN peace operations.
27 Mar 2015 | UN Headquarters, New York
I am pleased to welcome you to this historic conference. Never before have so many Chiefs of Defence gathered from every region on earth for the same purpose. I call on you to make this event truly momentous by helping the United Nations rise to the urgent challenges of our times. Peacekeepers deploy on the frontlines of human misery – in some of the most dangerous places on earth. The threats are growing.
27 Mar 2015
Under-Secretary-General for Field Support  Mr. Atul Khare Chiefs of Defence Conference Agenda Item 6: Challenges and Opportunities for Mission  Support in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations  27 March 2015 – ECOSOC Chamber  Excellencies, 
27 Mar 2015
Chiefs of Defence Conference Chair’s Note – 27 March 2015, New York  1. The Chiefs of Defence from 108 Members States, Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and other senior UN leaders met in New-York on the 27th of March 2015 in what was the largest meeting of its kind in history. As a continuation of the debates triggered during the High Level Summit on Peacekeeping on the margin of the 2014 General Debate of the General Assembly, it was a unique opportunity for top military leaders to meet at the United Nations.
27 Mar 2015
Eighteen months ago, Bentiu, like most towns in South Sudan, was bustling with the restlessness of markets, people trading and children going to school.  UNMISS, the UN Mission in South Sudan, was busy supporting development and growth in the world’s youngest nation.
20 Feb 2015
Statement by Mr. Rudy Sanchez, Officer-in-Charge,  Department of Field Support  to the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations  20 February 2015    Introduction    Mr. Chair, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,  
20 Feb 2015
Statement by Under-Secretary-General Hervé Ladsous to the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations  20 February 2015  Introduction
16 Dec 2014 | UN Headquarters, New York
Merci, Monsieur le Président, et merci au Gouvernement tchadien, d’organiser ce débat sur les opérations de paix et le partenariat entre les Nations Unies et l’Union africaine. Monsieur le président, si vous le permettez, je voudrais faire une déclaration sur la situation au Pakistan. Before addressing today’s formal agenda, I would like to say a few words about the bloodcurdling attack today in Pakistan.
28 Oct 2014
Statement at the Fourth Committee Opening Debate Under Secretary-General for Field Support, Ms. Ameerah Haq 28 October 2014  Mr. Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates, 
28 Oct 2014
Statement of Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous  Debate of the Fourth Committee on Peacekeeping  28 October 2014