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UNAMID Fact sheet

African Union - United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur
El Fasher
Duration: July 2007 - December 2020
Local time:
6 March 2025 - 16:04 CAT

Protecting civilians, facilitating humanitarian aid & helping political process in Darfur

The African Union - United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, referred to by its acronym UNAMID, was established on 31 July 2007 with the adoption of Security Council resolution 1769. UNAMID has the protection of civilians as its core mandate, but is also tasked with contributing to security for humanitarian assistance, monitoring and verifying implementation of agreements, assisting an inclusive political process, contributing to the promotion of human rights and the rule of law, and monitoring and reporting on the situation along the borders with Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR).


On 29 June 2017 Resolution 2363 (2017) was adopted by the Security Council which, in addition to renewing the mission’s mandate, decided to draw down UNAMID’s troop and police strength over the next year in two phases, while closely monitoring the situation on the ground. UNAMID ended its activities on 31 December 2020.


*Military personnel include contingent troops, experts on mission and staff officers.

Contributing countries

The top ten troop and police contributing countries to the mission are listed below. You can view a full list of countries contributing to all missions on the troop and police contributors page. 


To download the data in as a spreadsheet (CSV format), click anywhere on the chart first, then click on 'download' and select 'crosstabs'.


Method of financing: UNAMID is funded through a separate account approved on an annual basis by the General Assembly. 

Approved budget: (07/2019–06/2020): $257,970,000  (A/RES/73/278)

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