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Youth in Western Bahr El Ghazal graduate from an UNMISS vocational training

54 young people in Western Bahr El Ghazal who were severely affected by the civil war in South Sudan now have marketable skills in carpentry and brick-making following a two-month vocational training facilitated by UNMISS and the Unity Cultural and Development Centre (UCDC) in Wau. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS.

Rita Charles Unango a returnee from Bagari Jedid, is among innumerable young people who missed out on education and training due to conflict in South Sudan. She dropped out of school when she was just 15.

However, thanks to a two-month vocational training course implemented by the UNMISS Relief, Reintegration and Protection Section in partnership with Unity Cultural and Development Centre (UCDC) in Wau, Rita and others like her have a fighting chance to be self-reliant.

The course aimed at helping young returnees build their socio-economic capacities and reintegrate them into a resilient community.

“I am grateful to UNMISS for sponsoring me. I have learnt how to make and lay bricks as well as carpentry,” she discloses. “I am looking forward to transferring these valuable skills to the rest of my community.”

“For me and several friends, lack of livelihood opportunities was a big challenge but now these new skills will help me generate an income by meeting the need of my local community,” she adds.

Andrea Ali Angelo, another graduate from the vocational programme, reveals that he has acquired enough knowledge to set up his own carpentry business.

“I am going to start my own woodwork shop. I will be constructing, building and repairing structures using wood and other materials in my village. This will also give me a chance to create jobs for others,” he states proudly.

Angelo also said he believed that much of the technical know-how he has gained in these two months will contribute to solving issues faced by numerous returnees in his locality.

During the graduation ceremony, John Joseph Abdella, the project coordinator from UCDC, highlighted the significance of the programmatic activity in empowering youth in the area, urging UNMISS to double its efforts to support young people.

Mr. Mohamed Ali Goni, Minister of Youth, Culture and Sports in Western Bahr el Ghazal State expressed his appreciation for UNMISS for enhancing the capacity of the youth in the state. He also adding that the ministry will work towards making employment opportunities available to the graduated participants.

For his part, Henry Sambai, Relief, Reintegration and Protection Officer, UNMISS Wau, urged the new graduates to make good use of the skills they have gained.

54 young returnees from Bagari Jedid and Jebel Kheir areas, including 24 women, participated in this two-month activity and received tool kits based on their field of specialization to help them start entrepreneurial ventures.