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Under Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix Remarks at Dag Hammarskjöld Medal Awards Ceremony on the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

26 May 2022



Military and police advisors, 

Respectés membres de la famille du capitaine Hamit, 

Major Zharare, 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

I would like to thank you all for joining today’s ceremony, in this room or virtually.  

Every day, the 87,000 peacekeepers currently serving in peace operations work to protect vulnerable people. They support ceasefires, prevent and respond to violence, investigate human rights abuses, support the restoration of State authority, and help build peace, recovery, and development. As we hear in many places, from the populations that they protect, their action saves and protects lives.  

And, as the Secretary-General underlined, they do so in some of the world’s most challenging contexts, facing increased political tensions and security risks.  

On behalf of the entire UN Peacekeeping family, I pay tribute to our fallen colleagues and recognize their contribution. And I express my deep condolences to their families, who have suffered an immense loss. We grieve with them.  

Parmi les Casques bleus qui ont péri en 2021 alors qu’ils servaient sous l’étendard des Nations Unies, nous rendons aujourd’hui un hommage particulier au capitaine Abdelrazakh Hamit Bahar, du Tchad.  

Je tiens à remercier moi aussi sa famille pour sa présence aujourd’hui et je vous présente, ainsi qu’au gouvernement et au peuple du Tchad, ainsi qu’à ses forces armées, toutes mes condoléances, et celle de l’ensemble des Casques bleus, pour le sacrifice de votre fils et frère.  

Le souvenir de son courage et de sa générosité continuera de nous inspirer et de nous guider.  

J’exprime aussi notre gratitude au lieutenant-colonel Chahata Ali Mahamat du Tchad; au Capitaine Muhammad Mahatab Uddin du Bangladesh; et au Sergeant Cristofer Jose Citan Ramos du Guatemala, dont le service a été distingué par les lettres de reconnaissance du Secrétaire-General.  

And I would also like to congratulate Major Winnet Zharare of Zimbabwe for receiving the Military Gender Advocate of the Year award. Major, the strong engagement you have built with political and security actors on the ground has helped to empower women and advance the mission’s mandate.   

Your actions have made a major difference for the people of Bentiu, in South Sudan. It shows the Power of Partnerships, which is the theme of this year’s observance of Peacekeepers Day.  

Indeed, we rely on the contributions of Troop and Police Contributing Countries to provide vital personnel and equipment. And we count on the support of all Member States for the funds and resources that enable us to serve peace and assist communities in need.   

The support of local communities, civil society, Non-Governmental Organizations, regional and subregional organizations, UN agencies, host governments, and other key partners is also critical to strengthen peacekeeping so that it can save lives, advance political solutions, and help achieve sustainable peace.  

We cannot succeed alone. Under the Action for Peacekeeping initiative, and its A4P+ implementation plan, we will continue to work to cultivate and develop these partnerships and to further improve the effectiveness and impact of peacekeeping.  



Ladies and gentlemen, 

There is no better way to honour the memory of those who have given their lives for others than to carry forward their noble work. We will do so to achieve peace, progress, and prosperity for all peoples. 

Thank you.