On 23 August 2020, UNAMID and the UNCT released the UN State Liaison Functions (SLFs) Data Mapping, highlighting the reach of completed projects under the SLF Phase 1 (January to June 2019). The SLFs aim to “liaise” functions back to the government or to transition them to the UN Country Team as part of the UNAMID transition.
Today, UNAMID is releasing Updated Data for Phase 2 (July to December 2019) for three of the ten participating United Nations Agencies, Funds and Programmes.
As was begun with the Phase 1 data release, the updated Phase 2 data continues to show how the SLFs were implemented in coordination with UNAMID, the United Nations Country Team and the state authorities in Darfur to overcome multiple barriers in the peacebuilding transition. And the SLFs brought the UN system to places in Darfur where it has not operated before, triggering critical follow-on funding for essential and existential peacebuilding activities in Darfur’s most complex areas.
With Phase 2 data, the UN SLF Data Mapping continues to spearhead a common data hub for tracking and monitoring project outcomes and impact as the transition continues.