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Thai peacekeepers hand over educational material, clothes and furniture to school In Lainya County

A visit by Thai peacekeepers, educational material, sports equipment, chairs, fans and clothes proved a winning combination to children at a primary school in Lainya County.

Peacekeepers from Thailand engineering contingent serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan have recently handed over educational materials, clothes, fans, chairs and sports equipment to Samson Nursery and Primary School in Lainya County.

In the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, students in general and those having been internally displaced by conflict in particular have found educational opportunities increasingly difficult to come by, which means that the support offered by the Thai peacekeepers was welcomed with open arms.

“I am really happy with the notebooks and pens that I have received, and I am excited to be able to play volleyball with my friends,” said Sarah Emba Bagazi, one of the benefitted students.

Lieutenant Colonel Kaisin Sasunee, Commander of the contingent, stressed the link between schooling and peaceful coexistence.

“Education is the first step for people to gain knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a better place. To bring sustainable peace is one of our key mandates and education for all plays a key role in achieving that,” the Commander said.

Samson Nursery and Primary School was founded in 2011 and currently has 485 students, 12 teachers, and eight classrooms. Two of the classrooms were damaged by a storm during the past rainy season.

Following the handover, the headmaster of the school thanked the peacekeepers for the assistance and stressed that staff and pupils alike will make the best possible use of the gifts.

“It motivates us and increases our emphasis on education. Every item received will benefit the entire community,” stated Headmaster James Kwaje Lolik.