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Sensitizing Abyei women on gender issues

UNISFA recently conducted a workshop to raise awareness on gender issues affecting women within the Abyei community. The workshop on “Raising Awareness on Gender Equality and Education” targeted women groups within the Abyei area and was attended by 56 participants which included 54 women, one traditional leader and a youth representative. Also in attendance were selected female participants from the Ethiopian contingent serving with the mission.


The workshop is a part of UNISFA’s efforts to raise awareness among women towards their roles and responsibilities in the society and to highlight the importance of education in improving the quality of life for them and their families including their children.


During the workshop, the women actively engaged in discussions identifying their multiple roles and responsibilities in the society as well as factors and constraints on their efforts at educating themselves. In addition, they were encouraged to give due importance to schooling for their children especially girls, as well as consider empowering themselves by joining illiteracy classes. Other important issues discussed included gender division of labor and women’s access to and control over resources.


The workshop was well received by the participants who also applauded UNISFA’s efforts to sensitize the community on the important role played by women in the development of the society.


Workshop photos