New York
28 JULY 2023
It is my pleasure to introduce this Security Council meeting on the occasion of the conference of the Heads of United Nations Military Components here in New York. I will be brief, as the purpose of today’s meeting is for members to hear from the Force Commanders. I thank the presidency of the United Kingdom for organizing this interactive discussion. It will focus on the role of the military components in the protection of civilians in peacekeeping operations, building on the recent open debate of the Security Council on the protection of civilians in armed conflict during Protection of Civilians Week (see S/PV.9327).
This annual gathering of the Force Commanders of our peacekeeping operations is a very important occasion. It provides an opportunity for in-depth exchanges between them and diverse actors at United Nations Headquarters, with a view to continually improving the impact of United Nations peacekeeping. This week they have engaged on a variety of topics, ranging from mandate implementation to peacekeepers’ safety and security and from reflections on the women and peace and security agenda to leveraging technology to counter emerging threats, as well as cooperation with host nations, the importance of strategic communications, the continuing efforts to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation and abuse and initiatives to reduce the environmental footprint, to name just a few. They have also had an opportunity to remain closely apprised of the major discussions and expectations of peacekeeping in the Council, as well as in the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, the Fifth Committee and other bodies. Ultimately, our collective efforts to enhance the impact of peacekeeping in the field in the framework of the Action for Peacekeeping Plus strategy are more important than ever.
The topic that the Security Council has chosen for today’s discussion — the role of military components in the protection of civilians through prevention and response — is a key one for the importance of peace operations, and I hope our meeting will be most informative and beneficial to all of us. Members will shortly hear from the Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, Lieutenant General Mohan Subramanian; the Force Commander of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lieutenant General Otávio Rodrigues De Miranda Filho; and the Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, Major General Aroldo Lázaro Sáenz. I am sure that their experience and insights will be very useful to the Council in its work.
Lastly, on this occasion, through the Heads of military components who are present, I want to recognize the work accomplished every day by all military women and men serving in United Nations peace operations in very diverse contexts for the cause of peace. I would particularly like to salute the peacekeepers serving in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali as the Mission begins its withdrawal in conditions that remain challenging, including regarding security. I thank the 125 Member States that provide uniformed personnel to United Nations peace operations. I also want to pay tribute to the men and women who have fallen in service to the United Nations. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. It continues to drive and inspire us in our continued efforts for the cause of peace.