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Secretary-General Urges Greater Support for Central African Republic Leadership Efforts from War to Peace, in High-Level Meeting on Situation

27 Sep 2018

Following are UN Secretary‑General António Guterres’ remarks, as prepared for delivery, at the high‑level meeting on the Central African Republic, in New York today:

I am pleased to join you and I thank you for participating.  The situation in the Central African Republic is stable, despite continuous incidents and sporadic resurgences of violence.  But much more needs to be done to secure peace and stability across the country.

Continuous violations of the rule of law and attacks on civilians must end.  This can only be achieved through an inclusive and comprehensive political solution that supports the building of effective and inclusive State institutions and delivers accountability.

In this regard, I commend the leadership of President Touadera and national and local authorities.  We need to support their efforts in leading this country from war to peace.  I applaud the progress made by the African Initiative for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic, which remains an essential framework for the peace process in the country.  Its political and technical capacity must be strengthened.

To achieve this, coordination among the African Union, United Nations, Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and all other partners, including Security Council members active in the country, should be reinforced.

An inclusive, transparent and coherent approach among all partners is the best way forward.  Unified support to the Central African Republic and the peace process is the key to achieving stability, not only in the country but in the region.

I have asked my Special Representative to align the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic’s (MINUSCA) political and security strategies with the African Initiative to guarantee a more coherent peace process that connects local and national peace efforts with strategic reforms in disarmament and the security sector, the fight against impunity and the restoration of State authority.

I will also commit to implementing my Action for Peacekeeping for MINUSCA and call on you all to deliver on the commitments you have made.  The people of the Central African Republic must be at the heart of the peace process — with women as central participants and drivers of progress.

The country’s population needs the dividends of peace, especially the forcibly displaced, with more than 1 million who remain displaced within the country and more than 573,000 Central Africans who are refugees in the region.  I call on the Government and the Central African Republic’s partners to intensify efforts to reinforce State capacities and to implement the National Plan for Recovery and Peace Consolidation.  Restoration of State authority should remain among our top priorities for promoting stability and peace in the country.  To succeed in this, we must have a shared vision and stronger commitment.  I wish you a productive meeting.  Thank you.