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Press releases

18 Jun 2019
[Watch the video on webtv.un.org] Thank you for being here today to mark the launch of the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech.
14 Jun 2019 | New York
Briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Jean-Pierre Lacroix on the situation in Sudan and South Sudan (UNAMID) - Security Council, 8549th meeting
14 Jun 2019 | New York
Briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Jean-Pierre Lacroix on the situation in Sudan and South Sudan (UNAMID) - Security Council, 8549th meeting
12 Jun 2019
I thank Kuwait and His Excellency, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, for this opportunity to brief the Council.   I welcome the representatives of The Elders, former Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former President Mary Robinson. I also see in front of me the former President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos.  I welcome them in this chamber today, and thank them for contributing their personal wisdom and support to the debate.  
11 Jun 2019
United Nations Head of Peacekeeping, Jean-Pierre Lacroix explains why protection of civilians is a priority for UN peace operations. The Under-Secretary-General spoke to UN News ahead of the Security Council's briefing on the theme.
10 Jun 2019
The Secretary-General is outraged by reports that at least 95 civilians, including women and children, have been killed and many injured following an attack yesterday on Sobanou-Kou village, Mopti region, in central Mali. He strongly condemns this attack and calls on the Malian authorities to investigate this tragedy and to bring the perpetrators to justice.  The Secretary-General expresses his heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, the people and the Government of Mali, and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.
3 Jun 2019
The Secretary-General strongly condemns the violence and reports of the excessive use of force by security personnel on civilians, that have resulted in the deaths and injury of many. He condemns the use of force to disperse the protestors at the sit-in site and he is alarmed by reports that security forces have opened fire inside medical facilities.  
31 May 2019
The Secretary-General calls for utmost restraint in Sudan and stresses the importance of upholding the human rights of all citizens,including the right to freedom of assembly and of expression.   Noting the Communiqué adopted by the African Union Peace and Security Council during its meeting on 27 May, he welcomes the progress achieved by the parties regarding matters relating to the Transitional Institutions.  
29 May 2019
[Watch the video on webtv.un.org] Today we honor more than one million men and women who have served as United Nations peacekeepers since our first mission in 1948.  We remember the more than 3,800 personnel who paid the ultimate price.
28 May 2019
Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary-General The Secretary-General is concerned by the developments in the Golan on 27 May. He calls on the parties to the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement to respect the terms of the Agreement and to closely liaise with the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to prevent any further incidents and escalation of the situation.