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Press releases

22 Feb 2019
Under-Secretary General for the Department of Peace Operations, Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix, and African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, Mr. Smail Chergui, brief reporters on the Central African Republic.
18 Feb 2019
Dear colleagues,   I am delighted to see our peacekeeping leadership come together to take forward the Action for Peacekeeping initiative.   A4P is our core agenda for peacekeeping, endorsed by over 150 countries and organizations.   Our surge in diplomacy for peace is producing results.   The peace agreements in South Sudan and the Central African Republic are examples of partnership and persistence.     But, of course, we must do far more.  
6 Feb 2019
On the occasion of the signing of the Global Peace Agreement between the Government of the Central African Republic and armed groups, on 6 February in Bangui, the Secretary-General congratulates all stakeholders for the successful conclusion of the talks that took place in Khartoum, Sudan.  
5 Feb 2019
Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to open the 22nd International Meeting of Mine Action National Directors and United Nations Advisers. I would like to start by congratulating the mine action community on the launching of the United Nations Mine Action Strategy for 2019-2023. The Strategy is a result of very hard work by all mine action partners and stakeholders. As the Secretary-General remarked: “The Strategy is practical, needs-driven, people-centred and resource-efficient.”
4 Feb 2019
Deseo dar las gracias a la Presidencia de Guinea Ecuatorial por haber organizado este debate de alto nivel sobre las actividades de los mercenarios como fuente de inseguridad y desestabilización en África y en particular de acuerdo con la nota de la Presidencia en África Central.   Saludo al Señor Presidente de la República por su presencia en esta sesión.  
25 Jan 2019
The Secretary-General strongly condemns the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attack against a MINUSMA convoy near Douentza, Mopti region, this morning. Two peacekeepers from Sri Lanka were killed and six injured. A peacekeeper from Burkina Faso was injured in a separate IED attack against another Mission convoy near Douentza yesterday.   The Secretary-General expresses his deep condolences to the Government of Sri Lanka and the families of the victims and wishes a speedy recovery to those injured.  
20 Jan 2019
The Secretary-General strongly condemns the complex attack against the camp of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) this morning in Aguelhok, Kidal region. Ten peacekeepers from Chad were killed and at least 25 injured.  MINUSMA forces responded robustly and a number of assailants were killed.
9 Jan 2019
The Secretary-General takes note of the announcement made by the Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI) of the provisional results of the 30 December presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). He commends the Congolese people and political actors for the conduct of the presidential, national and provincial legislative elections, which saw a broad and inclusive participation of political parties. 
28 Dec 2018
As the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) prepares for presidential, legislative and provincial elections on 30 December, the Secretary-General calls on the authorities of the DRC, political leaders on all sides, the Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI) and civil society to continue working together to ensure an environment free of violence so that all eligible voters can cast their ballots peacefully on election day.  
28 Dec 2018
The Secretary-General is following with concern developments in the Republic of Sudan, including the reported violence and fatalities. He appeals for calm and restraint and calls on the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the deaths and violence. He extends his condolences to all those who have lost loved ones in the violence.    The Secretary-General emphasizes the need to safeguard freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.   New York, 28 December 2018