The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) calls for an immediate end to the fighting in and around Kai Gai, near Leer town in Unity State.The Mission takes note of reported attacks early on 28 November by pro-government forces and armed youth against a base operated by the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in Opposition (SPLM-IO). UNMISS can confirm that thousands of civilians have fled from the affected areas and are currently seeking refuge in Leer town.“I am very concerned by the reports of youth being mobilized, and of defections by some armed personnel - which go against the very spirit of the Revitalized Peace Agreement,” said Mr. Nicholas Haysom, the Special Representative to the Secretary General and head of UNMISS. “This can destroy the trust and gains between parties to the peace process and worsen the humanitarian situation in Unity State and in the country,” he added.The Mission calls on all parties to take immediate measures to deescalate hostilities and use peaceful means to resolve any disputes. UNMISS appreciates the efforts of state authorities who responded promptly to reduce tensions in the area. UN peacekeepers have stepped up patrols in the affected areas to defuse tensions and support local authorities to restore security and calm. The Mission is also engaging with officials in the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM) and SPLM-IO political and military authorities across the State to ensure restraint and order.--Contact: UNMISS Spokesperson at
30 Nov 2023