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Portrait of Doctor Oumarou SALISSOU

The last two outbreaks of the Ebola Virus Fever having successively occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo have seen the full participation, whenever necessary, of all the health professionals to the response against the epidemics. Whether it be the Congolese staff or those who came to their rescue, none of them spared their effort to engage effectively in the fight against this deadly disease said to be one of, if not, the deadliest diseases the world has ever suffered. Doctor Oumarou Salissou who work for MONUSCO health clinic in Goma, North-Kivu province is one the staff who actively lends their support.

When the Ebola virus Infected patients were found in Bikoro, near Mbandaka in May 2018, Doctor Oumarou was deployed in that area by his management office to ‘’ prevent the Ebola cases from affecting the staff. “I was assigned three objectives,’’ he said:


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