Welcome to the United Nations

Official Launch of the Revised UN Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS)

The United Nations Inter-Agency Working Group on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (IAWG-DDR) is delighted to invite you to the official high-level launch of the revised United Nations Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standards (IDDRS) on 19 November 2019, from 10:00am to 12:00pm in the ECOSOC Chamber at UNHQ, New York.
Start date: 
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
End date: 
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Event location: 
UN Headquarters in New York

The event, entitled “Journey for Peace and Development”, will be held simultaneously in New York and Geneva and is divided in two segments. A first common high-level segment (during which New York and Geneva will connect via VTC), will be attended by the Chef de Cabinet, USG Maria Luiza Viotti, representing the Secretary-General, the co-chair Principals of the 25-member IAWG, USG DPO Jean-Pierre Lacroix and UNDP’s Administrator Achim Steiner in New York, as well as UNOG Director-General Tatiana Valovaya in Geneva. High-level representation is also expected from other IAWG members, Member States, regional organizations and external partners.

First published in 2006, the new set of IDDRS have undergone a comprehensive review process over the past two years against the backdrop of the evolving nature of conflict. This launch seeks to present the updated UN policy and guidance for the design and implementation of DDR processes, and to outline the interlinkages with other frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative.

The launch of the revised IDDRS represents a significant milestone in DDR policy and practice, and will focus on presenting the new UN approach to DDR to UN and non-UN stakeholders. 

Kindly confirm your participation to the event through this link.

If you have any queries in regards to the event, please reach out to the DPO/OROLSI/DDR Section focal point Mr. Ntagahoraho “Gaho” Burihabwa (burihabwa@un.org).

We look forward to welcoming you.