On 01 April 2019 MINURSO celebrated the arrival of the new Force Commander Major-General Zia ur Rehman of Pakistan who succeeds Major General Xiaojun Wang of China. Major-General Zia ur Rehman brought with him to MINURSO 30 years of national and international military leadership experience, including as commander of military formations on operations and directing staff appointments at Command, Staff and War College levels. He possesses a range of experiences in other leadership, staff, liaison and operational tasks, including as a Military Observer in the then United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC). From 2015 to 2016, he served as Senior National Representative in the United States Central Command Headquarters (CENTCOM) in Florida. Most recently, Major General Ur Rehman served as the Commander of an Infantry Brigade from 2016 to 2017 and of an Infantry Division from 2017.
2 Apr 2019