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Military Olympiad raises €19,000 for LAF martyrs’ association

Dressed as centurions, UNIFIL French peacekeepers lead the opening of the third UNIFIL Military Olympiad.

The partially intact Roman circus within the archeological ruins of Tyre’s hippodrome was a fitting backdrop for the annual UNIFIL Military Olympiad, hosted by the peacekeeping mission’s French contingent. The 23 June competition saw a series of grueling events between six teams – three teams from UNIFIL and three from the Lebanese Armed Forces.   This annual event is a fundraiser for two organizations working to support families of soldiers wounded or killed in duty. The Lebanese charity, the association of Martyr LTC Sobhi Al Akoury, received €19,000 and the French associations Terre Fraternité and L’institution des invalides de la Légion étrangère both received €9,500 each.   “We raised funds with a lot of sponsors who were very interested by this subject,” commented Colonel Olivier Baudet, UNIFIL French Contingent Commander. As he watched the UNIFIL peacekeepers and LAF soldiers enjoying the friendly rivalry he added, “There are different ways to create peace. And to create peace is to create a kind of brotherhood between the soldiers of UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces who we support. This is very important. And what I think is important also is to create this feeling of camaraderie towards our wounded soldiers and also the families of those killed in action.”   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article: Aoibheann O’SullivanVideo camera: Mohamad HamzeVideo Edit: Mohamad Hamze & Aoibheann O’SullivanStills: Pascaul Gorriz-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------