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Malakal celebrates Universal Children’s Day with flurry of activities

Children in Malakal celebrated their day, Universal Children's Day, with a drawing competition and other activities organized by UN peacekeepers.

Tiny, brightly-colored palms have left imprints on the wall of the Malakal Stadium. Their owners stare gleefully at their handiwork before returning for an extra dipping in the plates of paint held by Indian peacekeepers.

Above the by now hundreds of palm-prints, the words “Universal Children’s Day 2018. Our children, our future, our peace” stand boldly as a reminder of what is being commemorated. Children of all ages have filled the stadium to join the UN Mission in South Sudan and the government of Central Upper Nile in a ceremony to mark the day.

In one tent, pupils from all schools in town participated in a drawing competition, exhibiting their raw talent and ingenuity.

Diew Lual would eventually be declared the winner.

“I have drawn a group of people; one man is just standing, the other has his hand in his pocket and the third is waving his hand in the air for peace. The drawing is my way of showing what peace and joy would look like in our country,” he said.

In another tent, children enjoyed quick-fire rounds of questions to test their general knowledge on matters ranging from sports to geography and everything in between.

Augustine Magouch, who represented the winning team, spoke of his proudest moment – when he answered correctly about the country with the largest population in Africa.

“It has been a good day because we have learned about our rights as children. My hope is for South Sudan to remain peaceful so that we can move freely and so that those still outside may return back home,” he said.

UNMISS staff member Cosmas Ba-ana Itenebe used the opportunity to remind those present to renew their commitment towards children’s welfare and respecting their rights to life, food, shelter, clothing, good health and education.

“I want to remind you that you are the building blocks of a strong nation. You have the capability to change the nation positively. You are the responsible leaders and citizens of tomorrow and the development of South Sudan lies in your hands,” he said to the children.