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Liberian Youth Sign the Peace Declaration

15 December 2017, Monrovia – On today’s forum for Political Party National Youth League organized by the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), the Liberian Youth Peace Declaration was signed.

In his opening remarks, UNMIL Deputy SRSG for Political and Rule of Law and Officer in Charge (OIC) for UNMIL, Mr.Waledemar Vrey congratulated and commended all the youth leaders who have taken the initiative of this event as a result of couple discussions.

“The youth leaders took the initiative but also the responsibility to come together as a group and discuss how to conduct themselves within the electoral environment how to make sure that they promote peaceful elections how to make sure that they contribute and participate in good elections,’ said OIC Very, seizing the opportunity to also complement the Liberian people for successful and peaceful first round of elections.

The Liberian Youth Peace Declaration was read publicly where the youth representative’s gave speeches and respectfully signed the declaration.

Full text of the declaration


Forum for Political Party National Youth League

Liberian Youth Peace Declaration

Whereas, we, the young people from all registered political parties of Liberia, on 01 December 2017, in the city of Monrovia, Montserrado County, for the purpose of maintaining good political, social, economic and democratic frameworks of our country, gathered to discuss national elections, peace, security, youth inclusion in active decision-making and violence-free, transparent presidential and legislative elections in 2017, taking into account the Farmington River Declaration; and

Whereas, during this meeting, all youth leaders agreed to further endorse and reference the Liberia Peacebuilding Office April 2017 resolutions denouncing electoral violence and supporting commitments to protect and sustain peace and stability in Liberia before, during and after the October 2017 elections, signed on 21 April 2017; and

Whereas, we express our gratitude to the Government and people of Liberia as well as the leadership of all registered political parties for maintaining peace and stability in our beloved country; and

Whereas, we express our appreciation of the collective leadership of all parties who entered into the Farmington River Declaration and the guiding role of the Inter-Religious Council of Liberia and partners; and

Whereas, we convened on 11 December 2017 and reached consensus for the conduct and conclusion of peaceful, fair, inclusive and transparent elections in 2017;

Now, therefore, we, the participants of the Forum for Political Party National Youth League, agree and resolve that:

We remain committed to and will uphold all the commitments in the Farmington River Declaration as agreed by our principals; We reiterate the call on the Government of Liberia to ensure the conduct of free, fair, transparent and credible elections so as to promote a peaceful democratic transfer of power to an elected government within the framework of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia; We remain committed to recognize the rule of law in Liberia and will refrain from making statements that undermine peace and stability during and after the 2017 legislative and presidential elections; We renew our commitment to peaceful campaigns and will refrain from and discourage electoral violence, and to address disputes arising from the electoral process through mediation and/or judicial means; We emphasize the importance of guiding principles regarding inclusion of youth in creating a foundation that ensures participation in national decision-making processes; We will remain engaged in shaping lasting peace and stability in our communities as positive contributors to peace, justice, reconciliation and decision-making. In doing so, we will work closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure that they perform the duties effectively throughout the elections; We encourage national and international stakeholders and other partners to support civic education such that awareness of this instrument during and after the electoral process will be widespread; We commit to peace and will hold ourselves mutually accountable as peers, and alongside our party leaders, for demonstrating leadership and guidance in the campaign against electoral violence, impunity and injustice; We continue to recognize the role of the registered Political Party National Youth League for maintaining the peace.


In Appreciation, we seize this opportunity to express our gratitude to the Drafting Committee of the Political Party National Youth League, the leadership of the Joint National Mediation Team established through the Farmington River Declaration, the Liberia National Police, AU, ECOWAS, and the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) for supporting this initiative.

Adopted at City Hall on this 15th day of December 2017 in Monrovia, Liberia.

Signed in the presence of the Liberia Joint National Mediation Team, AU, ECOWAS, UNMIL and the United Nations Country Team.

Signatures of all Party Youth Leaders listed in alphabetic order of the Registered Political Parties

Attested by the Chairperson of the Liberia Joint National Mediation Team, AU, ECOWAS and UNMIL