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Kits handed over as UNMISS and partners gear up for big football tournament in Juba

Sometimes, happiness is being given a proper football kit. Photos: James Sokiri/UNMISS

Ever wondered what equipment that would be needed to prepare twelve teams for a football tournament? Of course you have, and here’s the correct answer: 288 kits of jerseys and shorts, 288 pairs of adequate footwear, 288 pairs of equally adequate unisex stockings and 24 leather balls.

All of this, plus the collected wisdom of the organizing UNMISS staff and its partners, was handed over to the girls, women, boys and men set to engage in friendly battle at some yet to be determined point in July.

Eight male and four female teams drawn from the communities of internally displaced persons and sports clubs in Jondoru on the outskirts of Juba will participate, promoting peace with their indomitable spirit of cheery camaraderie.

For the upcoming football bonanza, the peacekeeping mission’s Community Outreach Unit has partnered with the South Sudan Football Association, whose technical director Dr. Salyi Loladu was upbeat about the prospect of his favourite sport bringing joy and harmony to the people.

“When you are playing football, you do not see the world and others with tribal, ethnic or political eyes. Instead, you see teammates and colleagues happily coexisting while laying the foundation for durable peace together,” he said. “Football is one of the best ways of bringing dissenting groups together to forge a future full of excitement, opportunities and hope.”

Geetha Pious, Head of the UNMISS field office in Central Equatoria State, was metaphysically philosophical when she spoke.

“Peace and trust building both begin in our hearts through love for the other person,” she said, adding that encouraging young footballers to become competitive within or outside of the country is one way of creating that loving trust.

And created, peace also has to be, according to Reuben Inaju, Head of the peacekeeping mission’s Community Outreach Unit.

“Do not expect anybody to bring you peace on a plate. You have to, and you can, achieve it yourself by being your brother’s or sister’s keepers.”