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Indian peacekeepers turn plastic bottles into 'eco coolers'

During the summer season in Lebanon, scorching sunshine sends mercury soaring. Under such circumstances, it is not always easy for UNIFIL peacekeepers, who work round the clock implementing the Mission’s mandate, to bear the heat. 

Ahead of this summer and around World Environment Day (5 June), UNIFIL’s Indian peacekeepers started working to build “eco coolers” and use them in guard posts.

Under the supervision of Lieutenant Colonel Jaideep Jamwal, Private Jalaj Kumar and Private Manoj Kumar successfully implemented the project at UNIFIL’s Indian Battalion (INDBATT) post near Bastara, south-eastern Lebanon. So far, they have built two such coolers. 

These “eco coolers” can reduce indoor temperatures by 5 degree Celsius. For the troops deployed for guard duties during extreme hot and humid climate conditions, these "eco coolers" could be a breath of fresh air, says Lt. Col. Jamwal. 

“The best part about this invention is it puts a common waste product to use – basically reducing plastic waste and unbearable temperatures all in one shot,” says Lt. Col. Singh. “It is truly incredible to see how such a small, simple invention can be used to improve the working conditions at UN posts, while also reducing a huge amount of waste from plastic bottles.”

A Bangladesh national, Ashis Paul, was reportedly the first person to develop this cooling system that doesn’t need any electricity and is built from a common waste item: empty plastic bottles.



Article: Dany Ghafary

Photos: UNIFIL Indian Battalion