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In July 2019, we thanked India for their service and sacrifice


UN video:Service and Sacrifice - Peacekeepers from India

UN news features: India and the UN: Celebrating 70 years of invaluable service to the cause of peace

From protecting civilians, disarming ex-combatants and helping countries transition from conflict to peace, Indian men and women in uniform have served the cause of peace from the earliest years of United Nations peacekeeping and continue to do so in some of the most challenging missions.

India: A long and deep tradition of contributing to UN peacekeeping

India has a long tradition of sending women on UN peacekeeping missions. In 1960, women serving in the Indian Armed Forces Medical Services were interviewed by UN Radio before being deployed to the Republic of the Congo.

In numbers: Indian peacekeepers deploy to nine mission


Find out India’s current contributions from Troop and Police Contributors page