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French peacekeepers install water tank in school

Peacekeepers from UNIFIL’s French-led Force Commander’s Reserve (FCR) installed a new water tank in the public school of the village of Ash Sh’Aytiah (Kneiseh School) in south Lebanon last week.

The 60 cubic metre tank will allow 300 school children, aged between 4 and 17 years, access to pure drinking water.

The French peacekeepers partnered with a local firm in order to accelerate the execution of the one-month long project.

The inauguration ceremony took place on 8 January, in presence of the village Mayor, Maytham Mouslimani, and the director of the School, Mohamad Mardina. Besides the French peacekeepers, UNIFIL’s Indonesia and Italian peacekeepers, who operate in the areas, were also invited to attend the event.