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Female prisoners in Wau receive COVID-19 sensitization on Women’s Day

On International Women's Day, civilian and uniformed peacekeepers in Wau came together to sensitize female prisoners in Wau Central Prison on how to prevent and mitigate COVID-19. Photo by Dawit K. Tedla/UNMISS.

Female inmates at Wau Central Prison were at the forefront of International Women’s Day celebrations organized by the UNMISS Field Office here.

“With COVID-19 cases currently increasing in South Sudan, we wanted to reach out and sensitize women who were at risk of contracting the virus,” reveals Sara Ungele, Gender Affairs Officer, UNMISS Wau.

Sara and her team partnered with the Women’s Network led by UNPOL and medical peacekeepers from China and handed over face masks, hand sanitizers, protective gowns, disinfectants, medical alcohol and T-shirts to incarcerated women at the prison.

They also ran a short workshop educating female prisoners on basic health, hygiene and how to protect themselves and others from coronavirus. The initiative received appreciation from prison authorities and inmates alike.

“We’re very glad that UNMISS conducted this outreach among the women who are currently serving sentences in the prison,” said Major General Jamal Dahab, prison director. “Our inmates live in close proximity to one another and it is incumbent upon all of us to make sure they stay safe and healthy during the pandemic.”

According to Omama Hashhoush, UNPOL Coordinator, female inmates have very specific healthcare needs. “We’re happy to visit the prison today and help female inmates with basic COVID-prevention supplies because women’s needs are different from men. Therefore, there’s no better day than International Women’s Day to do such gender-specific health outreach. As UNPOL officers we are here to serve and protect local communities and ensuring good health for female inmates is a priority right now.”

UNMISS in Wau is consistently supporting the state government’s efforts to keep all communities here safe from COVID-19.