Kinshasa, 19 July 2017 – Within the framework of its change of mode of operations, MONUSCO will close, as from 31st July, five fixed bases in the territories of Walikale, Masisi and Lubero in the North-Kivu, says the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in DRC, Maman Sidikou.
Those bases are located in Walikale-centre and Bunyapuri (Territory of Walikale), in Masisi-centre and Nyabiondo (Territory of Masisi) and Luofu (Territory of Lubero).
The new operational device consists in prioritizing flexibility and mobility in military interventions in line with the strategy adopted by the UN department of peace-keeping operations.
It includes long-distance patrols, presence demonstrations patrols, air surveillance and rapid deployment in the event of security incident.“MONUSCO changes its mode of operations, as it continues to fulfil its mandate, that is, continuing to back Congolese authorities’ efforts for civilians’ protection,” declares M. Sidikou.
This new operational device is already being implemented in the Kasaï province, where MONUSCO has deployed, to date, three companies, say roughly 350 troops.
“To make the device more effective, it would be critical that communities swiftly transmit all security-related information to MONUSCO,” highlighted MONUSCO military authorities.MONUSCO will therefore step up the early warning system and ensure that access to populations is improved.
Currently, MONUSCO can deploy, pursuant to the mandate set out in the resolution 2348 of March 2017, up to 16,215 troops, against 19,815 in the previous mandate.