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Ahead of presidential elections, women of Lofa pray for peace in Liberia

Lofa, 7 August 2017 -  Women in Peace Building Network (WIPNET) worshippers seek their God’s intervention in Liberia’s forthcoming October 2017 elections.

Lofa, 7 August 2017 – UNMIL Head of Field Office Voinjama, Ms. Frances Alesi attended a one day peace awareness ceremony in Zorzor District organized by the Women in Peace Building Network (WIPNET).  Women from the rural communities of Voinjama, Zorzor and Salaye representing WIPNET, peace actors and local authorities, all gathered for a “Mat of Prayers” ceremony to pray for a peaceful elections.

Ms. Alesi commended the women of WIPNET for their initiative ahead of the October elections and emphasized that UNMIL calls for a peaceful electoral transition to achieve another major milestone for Liberia.   She stated that “UNMIL is downsizing and closing soon but the United Nations will remain in Liberia to support the Liberian people.”

Also attending was Mr. William Howard, Regional Field Coordinator of the Lofa Peace Network (LPN).  He expressed that women are peacebuilders and pledged LPN’s moral and financial support.