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Abyei Firefighters Attend Fire Safety Training

Some 42 Abyei firefighters, including 26 women, participated in a fire safety training at the mission headquarters on 21 January. The training, organized by UNPOL in collaboration with UNMAS and the Security Section, aimed to increase the firefighter’s prevention and response skills particularly during the ongoing dry season. Participants were also trained in Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) awareness, boosting their ability to respond to other hazards.

Through a combination of theoretical and practical sessions, the firefighters gained important knowledge to help them prevent and manage fire outbreaks. The training was timely, given the increased risks of outbreaks risks posed by the dry season, the increase of unregulated fuel stations in the Abyei Area, and general lack of emergency preparedness for fire incidents.

OIC-Acting Head of Mission/FC Brig. Gen. Amir Mohammed Umrani, and the Minister of Local Government and Rule of Law, Abionweng Ajith Diing, along with representatives of UNMAS and UNDSS attended the session.

In his closing remarks, Brig. Gen. Umrani expressed concern over frequent fire outbreaks and loss of property in Abyei, particularly in Amiet Marke. He urged participants to encourage communities to practices fire-safe practices including bush and charcoal burning and the handling of flammable materials. Brig. Gen. Umrani reaffirmed UNISFA’s commitment to supporting fire safety awareness initiatives and working closely with local authorities to mitigate fire risks.