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Press releases

4 Mar 2016
Press Conference by Mr. Atul Khare, Under-Secretary-General for Field Support, on the Secretary-General’s report on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.
16 Feb 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
It is a true pleasure to be here today at the opening debate of this year’s session of the Special Committee.  I want to thank you, Chair, for the invitation to speak today, and I congratulate you and the members of the bureau on your re-election. This year’s debate is taking place at a moment of singular challenge, but also of singular opportunity.  The changing nature of conflict as we all know is placing great pressure on the international community and on all concerned.
16 Feb 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General’s Jan Eliasson’s remarks to the General Assembly Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations opening debate, in New York today: It is a true pleasure to be here today at the opening debate of this year’s session of the Special Committee.  I want to thank you, Chair, for the invitation to speak today, and I congratulate you and the members of the bureau on your re-election. This year’s debate is taking place at a moment of singular challenge, but also of singular opportunity.
15 Feb 2016 | Security Council
Excelentísima Sra. Delcy Eloína Rodríguez Gómez, Canciller de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y Presidenta del Consejo de Seguridad, Distinguidos Ministros, Distinguidos Miembros del Consejo de Seguridad, Agradezco a la Presidencia de Venezuela haber organizado este debate abierto sobre un tema de enorme importancia para las Naciones Unidas. Today’s event continues the useful discussion initiated last year under the Chinese presidency.
11 Jan 2016
Government Still Committed to Accord, despite Terror Threat, Says Foreign Minister   Delays in implementing elements of Mali’s 2015 peace agreement could unravel the hard-won confidence built between the signatories to the accord, United Nations peacekeeping chief Hervé Ladsous warned today, while briefing the Security Council on the situation in that country.
6 Nov 2015
Statement by Mr. Atul Khare, Under Secretary-General of the Department for Field Support, at the 20th plenary meeting of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (4th Committee).
30 Oct 2015
Under-Secretary-General for Field Support Atul Khare Statement to the 4th Committee 30 October 2015 Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen Introduction  Thank you for the opportunity to address this Committee, for the first time since I assumed the position of Under-Secretary-General of Field Support eight months ago.
30 Oct 2015
Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous Statement to the Fourth Committee  30 October 2015  As delivered  Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen,  Introduction.
18 Jun 2015 | UN Headquarters
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. You represent collective security and international solidarity in action. I thank you for your dedication and leadership. I commend the thousands of peacekeeping troops who serve with honour under your command. Together, you have helped to separate forces, disarm fighters, monitor human rights, provide care and so much more. Our deployments are greater than ever before.
17 Jun 2015
On 31 October 2014, I convened a High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations to undertake a thorough review of United Nations peace operations today and the emerging needs of the future. I invited this panel to take a comprehensive look at how United Nations peace operations could continue to contribute to the prevention and resolution of conflicts and be best designed and equipped to deal with the challenges of tomorrow. I encouraged the panel to be bold and forward leaning and to engage widely in the course of their review.