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Press releases

29 May 2012
In 2011, 112 UN peacekeepers were killed in the line of duty – adding to the almost 3,000 military, police and civilian staff members who have lost their lives as a result of acts of violence, accidents and disease since the first UN peacekeeping mission in 1948.
29 May 2012
Spokesperson Martin Nesirky: Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this briefing. As you are all aware, today is the International Day for Peacekeepers. That is why I’m joined by Hervé Ladsous, the Under-Secretary-General for peacekeeping operations and Tony Banbury, the Assistant Secretary-general of the Department of Field Support.
9 May 2012
Remarks of Anthony Banbury, Assistant-Secretary-General  Acting Head, Department of Field Support  Introduction of GFSS  Opening session of the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly  Second resumed sixty-sixth session    Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates,
1 May 2012
Opening Remarks: Good morning to you all. I wanted to give you some update on where we stand on the deployment of military observers in Syria. In fact, we have had unarmed military observers on the ground since the 15th of April.
26 Mar 2012
Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 1. It is my pleasure to be here today with you as the Council debates once more the important issue of the role of peacekeepers in peacebuilding and the related issue of  transitions. 2. In the last three years, we have come a long way in sharpening our understanding of what building peace entails. There is consensus across the UN and beyond on the broad priorities, in what is inevitably a complex and long-term effort.
26 Mar 2012
USG Susana Malcorra’s Remarks to the Security Council Debate on  Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding  26 March 2012    I would like to join Herve’s recognition of the importance of the United Nations engagement in peacebuilding in our mission areas, and note the fundamental role of effective transitions in ensuring that we leave behind a sustainable peace.
22 Mar 2012 | Port Dickson, Malaysia
  Thank you for welcoming me here. And what a special honour it is to be speaking to you today in the new Ban Ki-moon Auditorium in this training centre. I thank you very much! I understand that, at many institutions, large halls such as this are often called “the multi-purpose room.” That certainly describes my role as UN Secretary-General. And it certainly describes very well the responsibilities placed on you as United Nations peacekeepers.
21 Mar 2012 |  Jakarta, Indonesia
    Good morning. Selamat pagi. Let me begin by thanking the organizers for bringing us together. Rarely do I have the opportunity to meet with such a distinguished group of people and prominent group of international security experts. You are important partners of the United Nations, and I welcome this chance to deepen our ties. I think we can all agree: the past year has been remarkable to all of us in the international community.
20 Mar 2012 | Sentul, Indonesia
21 Feb 2012
Madam Chair, Members of the Committee, 1. It is an honour to be here today, with Under-Secretary-General SusanaMalcorra, to address the Special Committee at the start of your session.