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Press releases

13 May 2016
Mr. Atul Khare, Under-Secretary General for Field Support, and Ms. Jane Holl Lute, Special Coordinator on improving the United Nations response to sexual exploitation and abuse.
12 Apr 2016
Permanent Representative Stresses Need for Continuing Vigilance as Sanctions Committee Chair Presents Final Report by Expert Panel Stressing that Côte d’Ivoire was well on the path to peace, stability and economic growth, the head of United Nations peacekeeping today called upon the Security Council to phase out the Organization’s peacekeeping operation in the West African country.
11 Apr 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
It is a pleasure to be with you.  I want to thank the Republic of Korea, Norway, Ethiopia and IPI for organizing today’s discussions. I thank all of you for coming together to focus on how to ensure that the United Nations is well placed to address the peace and security challenges of today and tomorrow. There is a collective sense that our toolbox has not kept pace with the emerging and increasingly complex challenges we face in peace and security.
6 Apr 2016
Sudan’s Permanent Representative Cites ‘Contradictions’ in Secretary-General’s Report, ‘Hidden Agenda’ for Ongoing UNAMID Presence Intensified fighting since January had resulted in a rapidly worsening security situation and large-scale displacement in Darfur, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations told the Security Council today.
31 Mar 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
I am shocked to the core by the latest allegations of abuse by international forces in the Central African Republic. Our focus must be on the victims and their families. We are talking about women and young children who have been traumatized in the worst imaginable way.
30 Mar 2016 | Stockholm, Sweden
I thank the Government and people of Sweden for a very warm welcome. It is a singular honour to be in this magnificent and legendary City Hall … among this most distinguished audience ... to deliver a lecture named for a towering hero of humanity. Dag Hammarskjöld was Swede through and through, but he also belonged to the world. I feel both privileged and humbled to be serving in the role he once filled so masterfully.
10 Mar 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
Thank you for this opportunity to brief you on important steps being taken and measures being put in place to end the exploitation and abuse of vulnerable people by United Nations personnel sent to protect them.  For many people caught up in poverty and conflict around the world, the United Nations represents their final hope for a better future. When sexual exploitation and abuse are perpetrated on these individuals by the United Nations personnel authorised to protect them, it further victimizes and violates them and inflicts untold harm on already fragile communities. 
4 Mar 2016
Press Conference by Mr. Atul Khare, Under-Secretary-General for Field Support, on the Secretary-General’s report on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.
16 Feb 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
It is a true pleasure to be here today at the opening debate of this year’s session of the Special Committee.  I want to thank you, Chair, for the invitation to speak today, and I congratulate you and the members of the bureau on your re-election. This year’s debate is taking place at a moment of singular challenge, but also of singular opportunity.  The changing nature of conflict as we all know is placing great pressure on the international community and on all concerned.
16 Feb 2016 | UN Headquarters, New York
Following are UN Deputy Secretary-General’s Jan Eliasson’s remarks to the General Assembly Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations opening debate, in New York today: It is a true pleasure to be here today at the opening debate of this year’s session of the Special Committee.  I want to thank you, Chair, for the invitation to speak today, and I congratulate you and the members of the bureau on your re-election. This year’s debate is taking place at a moment of singular challenge, but also of singular opportunity.