Stories from the Field
24 heures avec un casque bleu – Inde
Produced by MINUSTAH TV, 2013, 5 minutes
Membre de l'Unité de Police Formée (FPU) d'Inde à la MINUSTAH, Jagat Singh est engagé, en dehors de sa mission de maintien de la sécurité en Haïti, pour le bien être des personnes défavorisées des zones reculées du pays. Ce fusilier indien travaille avec l'Organisation Mère Teresa d'Haïti et dans différents camps de déplacés du séisme pour lutter contre la pauvreté et le chômage et administrer des soins aux malades. Pour se maintenir en bonne forme physique et mentale et mener à bien ses actions, ce père de deux enfants pratique tous les jours le Yoga et donne des cours d'arts martiaux aux civils.
Policing the Buffer Zone
Produced by UNFICYP, 2012, 5 minutes
UNFICYP UNPOL officers patrol in Cyprus, helping to maintain law and order in the buffer zone, which was established in 1964.
24 heures avec un UNPOL Chinois
Produced by MINUSTAH TV, 2012, 5 minutes
Dans le cadre de notre série '24 heures avec un Casque bleu', Zhe Zhu, un officier de police chinois de 34 ans, évoque sa première mission au sein des Nations Unies, qui prendra bientôt fin.
Spécialisé dans la sécurité des camps de déplacés de l'Ouest, notamment de la capitale, Port-au-Prince, il souligne que « le maintien de la paix implique aussi l'utilisation de notre âme et de notre cœur pour servir la population ».
24 heures avec un Casque bleu: UNPOL Canada
Produced by MINUSTAH TV, 2012, 4 minutes
24 heures avec Pierrette Blackburn, une policière canadienne des Nations Unies. Pierrette Blackburn est point focal des questions du genre pour la police des Nations Unies. Nous l'avons suivie pendant 24 heures au Cap Haitien.
Female Police Peacekeepers: In their own Voices
United Nations, New York, 28 July 2010
This is a 5 minute video produced by "fish blowing bubbles" with assistance from the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre for the DPKO Police Division. The film promotes the UN Global Effort to recruit more female police and presents interviews of female police peacekeepers describing their own experiences in United Nations peacekeeping operations, what they have learned, what motivates them to do this kind of work and the impact they have had.
Related information
Liberia: Women on the Frontline
United Nations, 31 August 2010
Liberia - it was a country engulfed in war, its women bearing the brunt of the conflict. While peace finally did come, the legacy of violence against women continues to haunt the country. But Liberia's women are now taking positions of power and filling roles usually dominated by men. And it's making a difference.
Related information
UN Police Adviser Introduces the work of the Police Division
24 September 2010
The new United Nations Police Adviser, Ann-Marie Orler, introducing the work of the Police Division and updating the accomplishments in the Global Effort to increase the number of female police officers in national and international services.
Related information
Women in Peacekeeping: The Power to Empower
United Nations, New York, May 2009
Today, more than 110,000 peacekeepers currently serve in 18 UN peace operations around the world with more countries contributing police and military personnel now than ever before. But it's not only the diversity of nationalities that will continue to change the facing of UN peacekeeping - it's also the more prominent presence of women.
"Women in Peacekeeping: The Power to Empower" highlights the importance of increasing the overall number women military, police and civilian peacekeepers, while underscoring the vital role they play and the unique skills they bring to the frontlines and struggles around the world. Through compelling footage and stories of women peacekeepers in action across the globe, to interviews with key UN officials, this video helps us better understand the profound impact women can have in maintaining peace and security.
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Protecting the Vulnerable
Produced by UNMIT, 2007, 14 minutes.
Protecting the Vulnerable - UNMIT - 2007 from martine perret on Vimeo.
Former UNPOL Maria Do Rosario Racoes, explains how the UN Police helped establish a Vulnerable Persons Unit (VPU) in Timor-Leste. The VPU helped mentor and train Timorese police on preventing and investigating cases of Sexual and Gender-based Violence.