UNOCI Facts and Figures
Current authorization until 30 June 2017
Security Council resolution 2284 of 28 April 2016
Initial authorization (4 April 2004 - 23 June 2005)
Security Council resolution S/RES/1528 of 27 February 2004
- 6,910 total uniformed personnel, including
- 6,240 troops;
- 200 military observers;
- 120 staff officers;
- 350 police officers.
Since then, the authorized strength of UNOCI has been reviewed and changed by the Security Council on a number of occasions, depending on the situation in the country and the needs of the mission.
Financial aspects
- Method of financing: Assessment in respect of a Special Account
- Approved budget (07/2016 - 06/2017): $153,046,000 (A/C.5/70/24