Post-election crisis
Côte d'Ivoire has been plunged into turmoil following incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo’s refusal to concede defeat in the 28 November 2010 second round of elections to his opponent, former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara.
The international community has strongly backed the legitimacy of Mr. Ouattara's victory, with the United Nations, the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the European Union (EU) and others recognizing him as the duly elected leader of Côte d'Ivoire.
On 30 March 2011, the Security Council passed resolution 1975 (2011), repeating its calls for Mr. Gbagbo to step down and urging an immediate end to the violence against civilians. The Council reaffirmed the mandate of UNOCI to protect civilians, including preventing the use of heavy weaponry against them.
On 11 April, following military operations conducted by forces loyal to President Alassane Ouattara, UNOCI and French Licorne troops, Mr. Gbagbo was arrested and placed in the custody of President Ouattara’s Government.
On 6 May, Mr. Alassane Ouattara was sworn in as President of Cóte d’Ivoire. He took the oath of office at a ceremony at the presidential palace in Abidjan a day after the Cóte d'Ivoire's Constitutional Council ratified the results of a presidential election showing that Mr. Ouattara won, reversing its December 2010 decision to reject them.
On 21 May, Mr. Ouattara was officially installed as President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. 20 Heads of State and other high-level dignitaries, including UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, attended the inauguration ceremony in Yamoussoukro, the capital of Côte d’Ivoire.
There has been intense fighting in Abidjan in early April between the forces loyal to President Ouattara and elements of the former Republican Guard and Special Forces who still remain loyal to Mr. Gbagbo. These forces have intensified and escalated their use of heavy weapons such as mortars, rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) and heavy machine guns against the civilian population.
On 4 April 2011, UNOCI undertook a military operation to prevent the use of heavy weapons against the civilian population, as well as to stop the attacks against UN peacekeepers. It was done in accordance with its mandate to defend itself and to protect the civilian population, specifically to prevent the use of heavy weapons against civilian populations.
On 6 April, a day after pro-Gbagbo representatives claimed they were initiating negotiations to end the deadly fighting; their forces resumed attacks across Abidjan using heavy weapons against UN peacekeepers, the country's elected Government and civilians. Four peacekeepers were wounded in an attack by a rocket-propelled grenade, while seven others were wounded in a separate incident. More than 200 civilians came to UNOCI headquarters to seek refuge, and the mission treated 50 wounded people. On 9 April, Mr. Gbagbo’s forces launched an attack on the Golf Hotel from several directions.
In response, UNOCI, supported by French Licorne forces, launched a military operation in Abidjan on 10 April against forces loyal to Mr. Gbagbo. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon instructed UNOCI to “use all necessary means” to prevent the pro-Gbagbo forces from using heavy weapons in the country's biggest city. He was particularly concerned about the humanitarian situation across the country and about human rights abuses. “Civilians are bearing the brunt of the violence — the fighting must stop,” said Ban in the statement.
On 11 April, UNOCI confirmed that the country’s former president Laurent Gbagbo had surrendered to forces loyal to President-elect Alassane Ouattara and was in their custody. While President Ouattara’s Government, remains responsible for Mr. Gbagbo’s physical safety, UNOCI, in line with its mandate, will provide security and protection while he is in custody.
Speaking by telephone with President Ouattara on 11 April, the Secretary-General underlined "the expectation that with Mr. Gbagbo now in the hands of the President's forces any further bloodshed will be avoided.” He stressed in particular the need to ensure that there is no retaliation against Mr. Gbagbo's supporters.
Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Alain Le Roy, speaking to reporters after briefing the Security Council on 11 April, described Mr. Gbagbo's apprehension as a “very important step in the process,” but added that “the crisis is not over yet”. “Our main task is to contribute to the restoration of the law and order in the whole country. UNOCI has a big role in that, but also President Ouattara's forces have a big role to play,” said Mr. Le Roy.
The United Nations has remained extremely concerned over the human rights situation, reported cases of mass killings and other widespread and systematic abuses in Cote d’Ivoire. At least 900 deaths have been confirmed in Abidjan and western Côte d’Ivoire from the conflict and revenge attacks. Assistant Secretary-General of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Ivan Šimonovic, spoke of the human rights situation in the country at a press conference on 11 April.
Meanwhile, in Geneva, the President of the Human Rights Council appointed three high-level experts as members of the Commission of Inquiry to investigate the allegations of serious abuses and violations of human rights committed in Côte d’Ivoire. The experts were Vitit Muntarbhorn of Thailand, Suliman Baldo of Sudan, and Reine Alapini Gansou of Benin.
On the humanitarian front, the United Nations continued to be actively involved in meeting the humanitarian needs of the Ivorians, including those who have sought refuge in neighbouring countries. Up to one million people have either fled the country or are internally displaced because of the fighting. Speaking to reporters on 13 April after briefing the Security Council, UN Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos painted a bleak picture of daily life in Côte d’Ivoire, with food scarce, entire neighbourhoods without electricity, and many hospitals and schools closed. "We need to act now," Amos said, appealing on nations to donate more money for humanitarian assistance to Côte d’Ivoire. "We must not let the people of Ivory Coast down," she added.
In addition to Ms. Amos, other top UN officials briefed the Security Council on 13 April, including Y. J. Choi, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Côte d’Ivoire and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay.
The Security Council, in a press statement, encouraged President Ouattara to form an all-inclusive, broad-based Government and urged all Ivorians to abstain from any reprisals, revenge or provocation. Among other things, the Council welcomed Mr. Ouattara’s commitment to investigate alleged human rights abuses and commended the President’s call for justice and reconciliation, as well as his decision to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
On 14 April, United Nations agencies and their partners appealed for $160 million to scale up aid to affected populations inside the country. This appeal represented a five-fold increase over the $32 million initially sought by aid agencies in January at the onset of the humanitarian crisis stemming from the fighting.
In the meantime, as sporadic firing and looting continued to be reported in some areas of Abidjan, UNOCI forces have been engaged in the array of patrol and security tasks throughout the city to re-establish law and order. They continued security tasks, received pro-Gbagbo fighters, gathered arms/ammunition, and maintained control of key junctions, sites, and bridges. UNOCI has also worked closely with national officials to provide humanitarian assistance, reconstitute the police force, re-establish justice institutions, and reopen detention facilities.
On 21 April, UNOCI deplored the continued fighting in the Yopougon and Abobo neighbourhoods of Abidjan between the Forces Républicaines de Côte d’Ivoire (FRCI) and units belonging to the Invisible Commando, a group that had also been fighting against the forces loyal to Mr. Gbagbo. The mission warned that the clashes could threaten efforts to restore peace and security following the recent post-electoral crisis.
On 28 April, the Security Council, by its resolution 1980, urged all illegal combatants in Cote d'Ivoire to lay down their weapons and encouraged UNOCI to assist the Ivorian Government in collecting and storing those arms. The Council renewed until 30 April 2012 its arms embargo and diamond trade ban on Côte d’Ivoire, as well as targeted sanctions restricting the travel and finances of individuals threatening peace and national reconciliation there. At the same time, it said that the sanctions could be reviewed before 12 months depending on "progress achieved in the stabilization throughout the country, the holding of the parliamentary elections and the implementation of the key steps of the peace process." [An arms embargo was first imposed in 2004 and a ban on trading in rough diamonds was added the following year, two years after a rebellion that divided the country.]
On 13 May, the Security Council, by resolution 1981, extended the mandate UNOCI until 31 July 2011. The Council also extended up to 30 June the temporary redeployment from UNMIL to UNOCI of three infantry companies, one aviation unit comprising two military utility helicopters and three armed helicopters with crews. The Council requested the Secretary-General to submit a report by 30 June 2011, including findings and recommendations on UNOCI’s mandate, following the assessment mission deployed to Côte d’Ivoire.
On 21 May, Mr. Alassane Ouattara was officially installed as President of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. 20 Heads of State and other high-level dignitaries, including UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, attended the inauguration ceremony in Yamoussoukro, the capital of Côte d’Ivoire. In his speech after being officially installed, President Ouattara reiterated his commitment to promoting reconciliation, dialogue and peace following the post-election violence.
Following the inauguration, the Secretary-General met with Mr. Ouattara who expressed his gratitude to the world for showing solidarity with Ivorians and helping democracy triumph. He paid special tribute to the United Nations for remaining engaged in his country and helping restore democracy and contributing to the establishment of lasting peace.
At a press conference on 26 May, UNOCI reported that at least 1,012 people, among them 103 women and 42 children, were killed in Côte d’Ivore in political clashes and communal fighting during the five-month crisis that followed a disputed presidential election. Of the total, at least 505 people were killed in the town of Duekoue between December and the end of April. The UNOCI investigation also documented 46 cases of rape of women, some of them pregnant and others under-aged.
Adopting Resolution 1975
During the 39th Ordinary Summit of ECOWAS on 24 March, the West African regional body issued a resolution on Cote d’Ivoire calling upon the UN Security Council to strengthen UNOCI’s mandate to enable the mission “to use all necessary means to protect life and property, and to facilitate the immediate transfer of power to Mr. Alassane Ouattara”, as well as to strengthen targeted sanctions against the Gbagbo regime.
Briefing the Security Council on 25 March, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Atul Khare conveyed this request. The UN Security Council adopted resolution 1975 of 30 March, repeating its previous numerous calls on former President Gbagbo to immediately step down, urging an immediate end to the violence against civilians and imposing targeted sanctions against Mr. Gbagbo, his wife and three close associates. The Council reaffirmed the mandate of the UN mission there to protect civilians, including preventing the use of heavy weaponry against them.

Peacekeepers of the Moroccan contingent patrolling in the town of Duekoue. 4 April 2011. UN Photo/Basile Zoma.
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As forces loyal to President Quattara undertook a massive offensive on all fronts and were capturing or closing on a number of towns around Abidjan, the pace of developments accelerated and the level of violence further increased. On 29 March, UNOCI reported that one of its helicopters was shot at by forces loyal to the country’s President and denounced the killing of a dozen civilians in Abidjan by pro-Gbagbo armed elements.
In the meantime, at its weekly press conference on 31 March , UNOCI gave an update of the situation and reported that the total number of persons killed during the post-electoral crisis had reached 494. On the same day, the UN Secretary-General issued a statement, expressing concern over the heightened violence and urged all parties to abide by their responsibility to avoid harm to the civilian population, to exercise maximum restraint and to refrain from exacting revenge. He was also concerned about the critical humanitarian situation in both Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia.
Escalation of violence and a humanitarian crisis
Amid rapidly increasing violence in Abidjan and elsewhere in the country, the flow of refuges fleeing the country rose dramatically. UNHCR reported on 1 March that the number of Ivorian refugees in Liberia had reached almost 70,000, with another 40,000 internally displaced within Côte d’Ivoire.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Pillay warned of an unfolding humanitarian crisis and that civilians were at grave risk from a flare-up of violence in Abidjan and the west of Ivory Coast, as UNHCR reported that some 200,000 people had fled their homes in Abobo, leaving it almost completely deserted after heavy fighting.
In New York, the Security Council voiced deep concern at the escalating attacks on civilians in Côte d’Ivoire, the increasing numbers of refugees and displaced persons and the risk of a resurgence of the civil war. After meeting in Mauritania on 4 March, the AU High-Level Panel called for order in Côte d’Ivoire and a lifting of the Golf Hotel blockade. The AU Peace and Security Council, meeting on 10 March 2011 in Addis Ababa at the level of Heads of State and Government, reaffirmed all its previous decisions on the post-electoral crisis in Côte d’Ivoire , recognizing Mr. Ouattara as the country’s President of Côte d’Ivoire. The UN Security Council welcomed this AU’s decision and its intention to appoint a High Representative for the implementation of an overall political solution in Côte d’Ivoire.
Meanwhile, the overall situation in the country continued to deteriorate, with a sharp increase in inter-communal and inter-ethnic confrontations. “Human rights abuses, including rapes, abductions and killings, are being committed by people supporting both sides,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Pillay. With the humanitarian situation also reaching alarming proportions, the United Nations scaled up efforts to provide food aid to the increasing number of people fleeing from escalating post-election violence in Côte d’Ivoire, amid concerns that the international community has not given adequate attention to the humanitarian crisis sparked by the fighting.
Escalating insecurity in the country saw a sharp rise in displacement. UNHCR estimated on 25 March, up to a million people may have fled the economic capital Abidjan alone after weeks of bloody street clashes with some 100,000 Ivorians seeking refuge in neighbouring Liberia. According to UNOCI, the total number of deaths since mid-December 2010 stood at 462 as of 24 March with 52 killed in the past week alone.
Confronted with new challenges and increased level of violence, UNOCI continued to do everything possible within its mandate and resources to protect civilians and contain proliferating violence Valerie Amos, the head of UN humanitarian and emergency relief operations, stressed the plight of civilians caught up in the fighting. "The escalation of violence and use of heavy weaponry, particularly in urban areas, is taking an increasing toll on civilians," she said in a statement issued in New York. In Geneva, the UN Human Rights Council set up an independent, international commission of inquiry to investigate allegations of serious abuses and human rights violations in Côte d’Ivoire. The Council approved a resolution proposed by Nigeria on behalf of the African Group recognizing the election of Mr. Ouattara as Ivorian president, condemning "atrocities" and expressing concern about "the seriousness and extent" of the abuses.
The election and the results
The presidential election was meant to advance the peace process in Côte d’Ivoire, which had been split by civil war in 2002 into a Government-controlled south and an opposition-held north. Incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo stood against former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara in the run-off poll on 28 November 2010, which followed the first round (see Presidential Elections Fact Sheet ) of 31 October.
The President of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) proclaimed the provisional result of the second round on 2 December 2010: With a high turnout of more than 81%, candidate Alassane Ouattara garnered 54.10% of the votes, while candidate Laurent Gbagbo obtained 45.90%. Immediately following the release of the results, however, the head of Côte d'Ivoire's Constitutional Council proceeded to proclaim Mr. Gbagbo as the winner after having cancelled the results from some northern regions. According to this proclamation, candidate Gbagbo garnered 51.45% of the vote and candidate 48.55%, with an overall participation rate of 71.28%.
On 4 December, both Mr. Gbagbo and Mr. Ouattara took oaths of office in Abidjan – Mr. Gbagbo before the Constitutional Council, and Mr. Ouattara through a letter addressed to the Constitutional Council, and each appointed cabinet members in their governments.
On 3 December, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of UNOCI, Choi Young-Jin certified the outcome of the second round of the presidential election as announced by the IEC, confirming candidate Ouattara as the winner. He further explained
in detail the methods used in the certification process.
International support
The outcome of the election as certified by the SRSG was fully supported by the UN Secretary-General and received the broad recognition by the international community, notably from major international and regional organizations, including the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the European Union (EU). The UN Security Council also endorsed Mr. Ouattara’s victory through a press statement .The AU and ECOWAS suspended Cote d'Ivoire's membership until such a time the democratically‐elected President effectively assumes State power. The EU agreed to adopt targeted sanctions against Mr. Gbagbo and “those impeding the reconciliation and electoral process” in Côte d’Ivoire.
Despite mounting international pressure and from within the country, Mr. Gbagbo has refused to accept the outcome of the election as certified by the United Nations and to step down.
Role of UNOCI
The national institution in charge of organizing and conducting the elections was the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) of Côte d’Ivoire. UNOCI was requested to provide technical, logistical and security support to the Government of Côte d’Ivoire and to the IEC. This support included transportation and distribution of national identity and voters’ cards, transportation of equipment and other electoral materials, and security support.
In addition, as mandated by Security Council resolution 1765 (2007) the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of UNOCI was to certify the outcome of the election.
To bolster security for the elections, on 29 September 2010, the UN Security Council authorized the deployment of 500 additional peacekeeping personnel to increase UNOCI’s military and police presence from 8,650 to 9,150. This temporary increase for a period of up to six months reinforced the capacity of UNOCI to contribute to security arrangements for the elections, the responsibility for which rests in the first instance with the Ivorian security forces. [Subsequently, this temporary deployment of 500 additional personnel was extended by Council’s resolution 1962 of 20 December until 31 March 2011.]
In addition, on 24 November the Security Council authorized the temporary deployment of a maximum of three infantry companies and an aviation unit comprised of two military utility helicopters from UNMIL to UNOCI for no longer than four weeks. [The deployment of these units was first extended by Council’s resolution 1962
of 20 December 2010 for four weeks, and later, by resolution 1968
of 16 February 2011, for additional three months.]
Key UN Statements
22 May
13 May
- Security Council extends the mandate of UNOCI until 31 July 2011, in resolution 1981 [S/RES/1981(2011)]
13 April
- Security Council press statement, encouraging President Ouattara to form an all-inclusive, broad-based Government; urging all Ivorians to abstain from any reprisals, revenge or provocation; and welcoming Mr. Ouattara’s commitment to investigate alleged human rights abuses
11 April
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, underlining the expectation that with Mr. Gbagbo’s apprehension any further bloodshed will be avoided, and stressing the need to ensure that there is no retaliation against Mr. Gbagbo's supporters
10 April
- Secretary-General statement, instructing UNOCI to use all necessary means to prevent the use of heavy weapons and expressing concern about the humanitarian situation across the country and human rights abuses [en Français]
4 April
- Secretary-General statement, expressing concern over violence in Côte d’Ivoire, informing that the United Nations has undertaken military operation to prevent heavy weapons use against civilians
31 March
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, urging all parties to abide by their responsibility to avoid harm to the civilian population, exercise maximum restraint and refrain from exacting revenge
30 March
- Security Council press statement, demanding an end to violence in Côte d’Ivoire, imposing sanctions against former president Gbagbo and urging him to ‘step aside’, in resolution 1975 [S/RES/1975(2011)]
18 March
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, expressing shock over the firing of mortars, allegedly from a military camp of forces loyal to Mr. Gbagbo, into a market area in the Abobo district of Abidjan, which resulted in the killing of at least 25 civilians and wounding more than 40 others [en Français]
11 March
- Security Council press statement, welcoming AU’s reaffirmation of all its previous decisions recognizing the election of Alassane Ouattara as President of Côte d’Ivoire and noting AU’s intention to appoint a High Representative for the implementation of an overall political solution
10 March
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, expressing satisfaction the statement issued by the Government of President Ouattara regarding as invalid a declaration by the authorities supporting Mr. Gbagbo, banning UN and Licorne flights inside Côte d'Ivoire
3 March
- Security Council press statement, calling on both sides to show the utmost restraint; condemning the violence against UN personnel and civilians; reiterating its call to Mr. Gbagbo to lift the siege of the Golf Hotel; and urging UNOCI “to use all necessary means to carry out its mandate, in particular to protect civilians
25 February
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General
, expressing deep concern over the deteriorating situation in Côte d’Ivoire, deploring recent clashes between rival groups as well as threats against the UN, including a call to impede the movement of peacekeepers
17 February
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, attaching “great importance” to the forthcoming visit to Côte d’Ivoire by the AU High-Level Panel and calling on all Ivorian parties to fully cooperate
29 January
- Remarks of the Secretary-General at the AU high-level meeting on Cote d'Ivoire, welcoming the AU decision to form a High-Level Panel for a settlement of the crisis and outlining the principles which should guide international efforts
14 January
13 January
- Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, strongly condemning attacks and burning of UN vehicles, and warning those responsible for organizing and carrying out such attacks that they will be held accountable
12 January
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, expressing deep concern about the developments in the Abobo neighbourhood of Abidjan; reiterating that any attacks on UN peacekeepers were unacceptable; and calling on both sides to exercise maximum restraint and to avoid further clashes
10 January
- Security Council press statement, expressing support for AU and ECOWAS efforts in seeking a peaceful resolution of the crisis and deep concern over continued violence and human rights violations, including against UNOCI; demanding an immediate halt to the use of media, especially via RTI, to propagate false information to incite hatred and violence; and welcoming the submission of the detailed recommendations and proposals regarding UNOCI’s reinforcement
30 December
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, warning that any attack on the Golf Hotel could provoke widespread violence reigniting civil war and stressing that UNOCI is authorized to use all necessary means to protect its personnel, as well as the Government officials and other civilians in the hotel
24 December
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, welcoming the UN General Assembly’s decision to accept the credentials of the representatives of Côte d’Ivoire issued by the Foreign Minister of President Ouattara.
20 December
- Security Council press statement, expressing deep concern about the continued violence in Côte d’Ivoire, including armed attacks against UNOCI and multiple civilian fatalities; and warning all those responsible that they will be brought to justice [en Français]
- Security Council resolution 1962 (2010), extending UNOCI's mandate until 30 June 2011, condemning attempts to usurp will of people and urging respect for the election outcome [en Français]
18 December
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, rejecting Mr. Gbagbo’s demand for UNOCI’s withdrawal from the country; expressing deep concern about attacks on UN personnel; and warning that there will be consequences for those who have perpetrated or orchestrated any such actions, or do so in the future.
17 December
- Year-end press conference of the Secretary-General, which includes a statement on the situation in Côte d’Ivoire calling on Mr. Gbagbo to step down and allow his elected successor to assume office without further hindrance, and emphasizing that “there is no other option” [en Français]
16 December
- UN Security Council press statement, condemning “in the strongest terms” acts of violence; warning all Ivorian stakeholders that they will be held accountable for attacks against civilians and will be brought to justice; and urging them to exercise maximum restraint, remain calm, resist provocative actions, refrain from violence, and work together to restore sustainable peace. [en Français]
16 December
- UNOCI statement, clarifying mission’s position with regard to the marches by the Rassemblement des Houphouetistes pour la Démocratie et la Paix (RHDP)
[en Français
15 December
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, expressing his deep concerned about the continuing political stalemate; warning of unpredictable consequences, including reigniting civil war; reminding those who incite or perpetrate violence and those who use the media for this purpose, that they will be held accountable for their actions; and, once again, calling upon Mr. Gbagbo to step down to allow President-elect Ouattara to assume his mandate. [en Français]
9 December
- UN Security Council press statement, endorsing opposition leader Alassane Ouattara’s victory and warns of ‘targeted measures’ against anybody threatening the peace process [en Français]
8 December
- Statement of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Côte d’Ivoire at the press conference in Abidjan explaining in detail the methods used for his certification of the run-off presidential elections
7 December
- The Special Representative of the Secretary-General briefs the Security Council on the situation in Côte d’Ivoire, saying that opposition candidate Alassane Ouattara’s victory in the run-off election is “irrefutable”
6 December
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, expressing again the Secretary-General’s deep concern about the situation in Côte d'Ivoire.
4 December
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, expressing the Secretary-General’s deep concern over the continuing stand-off and stressing that the election outcome as certified by his Special Representative has been recognized by the broad international community.
3 December
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on Côte d'Ivoire, supporting certification by his Special Representative of the result of the run-off presidential election, congratulating Alassane Ouattara, and calling upon President Laurent Gbagbo to cooperate in a smooth political transition [en Français]
- Certification of election results: Statement of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General
, certifying outcome of the second round of the presidential elections as proclaimed by the IEC President on 2 December, with candidate Ouattara being the winner of the election [en Français
2 December
- UN Security Council press statement, welcoming the holding of the presidential run-off elections and the announcement of the provisional results by the IEC and reiterating their readiness to take the appropriate measures against those who obstruct the electoral process [en Français]
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, welcoming the announcement of the provisional results of the presidential run-off elections by the IEC and calling upon the Constitutional Council to expeditiously initiate the process of proclamation of the final results [en Français]
1 December
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, regretting delay in IEC announcing in Côte d’Ivoire election results
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, taking note of the preliminary findings that the second round of the presidential election was conducted in an overall satisfactory and credible manner, and urging the IEC to announce the provisional results without delay
29 November
- Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, welcoming the holding of the second round of the presidential election and calling on the Ivorian parties and candidates to refrain from announcing the results in advance of the IEC
- The Special Representative of the Secretary-General gives preliminary assessment of the second round of the presidential election, saying that the election took place in a generally democratic climate despite some incidents
[en Français
24 November
- UN Security Council resolution 1951 (2010)
, authorizing temporary reinforcement of UNOCI’s strength
- Security Council press statement, reiterating satisfaction with the organization of the first round of the presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire on 31 October 2010, and expressing concern at the recent incidents in Côte d’Ivoire
3 November
- UN Security Council press statement on the first round of the presidential election in Côte d’Ivoire, welcoming their on 31 October 2010; urging all stakeholders to continue to be fully committed to a democratic, peaceful and transparent completion of the electoral process; and stressing the central and critical role of the IEC in proclaiming the provisional results of the vote
UNOCI Press Conferences and Press Releases
16 June
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: Some 1,200 ex-combatants hand in their weapons to UNOCI
[en Français
9 June
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UN draws attention to human rights violations and HIV/AIDS
[en Français
2 June
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI concerned about the situation in schools in the southwest of Côte d’Ivoire
[en Français
31 May
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI chief receives Kings and Traditional Leaders
[en Français
26 May
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: Post-election violence claims more than 1,000 lives in Western Côte d’Ivoire, according to UNOCI report
[en Français
22 May
- UNOCI Press Release: UN Secretary-General visits camp for internally displaced persons
[en Français
21 May
- UNOCI Press Release: UN Secretary-General meets with President Ouattara after his inauguration
19 May
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI mobilizes resources for inauguration of President Ouattara
[en Français
12 May
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI associates itself with the mourning of Ivorian people
[en Français
11 May
- UNOCI Press Release: UN assessment mission meets President Ouattara
[en Français
10 May
- UNOCI Press Release: Impartial forces prepare President Ouattara's investiture
[en Français
6 May
- UNOCI Press Release: The UN wants to support the new authorities in Côte d’Ivoire
[en Français
5 May
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI's future role under preparation
[en Français
28 April
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: The humanitarian situation remains a cause for concern, the humanitarian coordinator stressed
[en Français
21 April
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI deplores fighting in Yopougon and Abobo
[en Français
14 April
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI organizes Peace Parade through the streets of Abidjan
[en Français
5 April
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI calls on Gbagbo's special forces to lay down their arms
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI launches Operation "Protect the Civilian Population"
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI announces the death of the Director of its Electoral Assistance Division
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI transports passengers blocked in Abidjan
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: Pro-Gbagbo forces ready to end combat
[en Français
4 April
- UNOCI Press Release: UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights visits Côte d’Ivoire
[en Français
3 April
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI headquarters continues to come under fire from Gbagbo’s special forces
[en Français
2 April
- UNOCI Press Release: New attack on UNOCI patrol
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI repels attack by Gbagbo's special forces
1 April
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI helicopter was shot at in Abidjan
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI civilian staff killed by stray bullet
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: Gbagbo special forces fire on UNOCI Headquarters
[en Français
31 March
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI appeals to military forces to preserve the lives of the population
[en Français
30 March
- UNOCI Information Note: UNOCI worried at the humanitarian situation in Duekoue
[en Français
29 March
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI denounces the killing of innocent civilians
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI condemns attack on its helicopter by the Forces Républicane
[en Français
25 March
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI condemns plundering of UNHCR Guiglo office
[en Français
24 March
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: Post-electoral violence claims new victims
[en Français
22 March
- UNOCI Press Release: General Hafiz looks back with pride at his record as Head of UNOCI's force
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI concerned about the use of heavy weapons against the civilian population in Abidjan
[en Français
18 March
- UNOCI Press Release:
Shells fired on Abobo claimed about a hundred victims
[en Français
17 March
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI did not identify mass graves in N’dotré
[en Français
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI has found no mass grave sites in N’dotré
[en Français
16 March
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI condemns the deadly violence in Côte d’Ivoire
[en Français
11 March
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI Chief deplores the increasing suffering of Ivorians and reaffirms the mission's impartiality
3 March
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI receives two attack helicopters
[en Français
28 February
- UNOCI Press Release: Ivorian crisis at the centre of meeting of heads of peacekeeping missions
[en Français
27 February
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI condemns violence against peacekeepers in Abidjan
[en Français
25 February
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI denounces the Gbagbo camp's new propaganda phase
[en Français
24 February
- UNOCI Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI calls on FDS and FAFN to show restraint
[en Français]
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI calls on the FDS and FAFN to show restraint
[en Français
23 February
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI Chief exchanges information with diplomatic corps
[en Français
22 February
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI deplores the level of post-electoral violence
[en Français
21 February
- UNOCI Press Release: UNOCI reaffirms its military impartiality
[en Français
17 February
- Weekly Press Conference: Two West African countries offer troops to UNOCI
[en Français
14 February
- Press Release: UNOCI Chief meets with President Ouattara
[en Français
- Transcript of an interview given to Afreekelection by the Spokesman of UNOCI, Hamadoun Touré
[en Français
10 February
- Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI Chief returns to Abidjan after missions to Addis Ababa and New York
[en Français
3 February
- Press Release: Troop and police contributing countries welcome the work done by UNOCI
[en Français
- Weekly Press Conference: Y.J. Choi meets troop and police contributing countries in New York
[en Français
29 January
- Press Release: UNOCI deplores continuous attempts to hinder its movements
[en Français
27 January
- Weekly Press Conference: Y.J. Choi to attend African Union Summit
[en Français
24 January
- Press Release: Special Representative discusses Ivorian post-electoral crisis with kings and traditional chiefs, explaining the methods used for the certification of the second round of the presidential election
[en Français
20 January
Weekly press conference: Post-electoral crisis continues to displace thousands of people, says Humanitarian Coordinator
[en Français
18 January
- Videoconference by Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Côte d’Ivoire
- Press Release: Y. J. CHOI responds to questions on the post-electoral crisis from the media in New York
[en Français
- Press Release: Forces from President Gbagbo's camp shoot at UNOCI peacekeepers in charge of security of Kenyan Prime Minister's delegation
[en Français
13 January
- Weekly Press Conference: UNOCI reiterates its appeal for calm faced with increasing violence
[en Français
- Press Release: Physical attacks against UNOCI personnel and property
[en Français
- Information Note: Y.J. Choi goes to Abobo to help protect civilians
[en Français
12 January
- Press Release: UNOCI deplores blockage and pillage of food convoy by forces from Mr. Gbagbo's camp
[en Français
- Press Release: UNOCI deplores ambush on peacekeepers in Abidjan
[en Français
9 January
- Press Release: Inter-Agency Mission in the western Côte d’Ivoire; more than 16,000 internally displaced persons
[en Français
- Information Note: UNOCI runs awareness-raising session for women in Nagnenefoun on preserving peaceful post-election environment
[en Français
6 January
- Weekly press conference: UNOCI’s human rights Chief gives update
[en Français
] on monitoring of UN Security Council resolution 1946
, reporting 31 new cases of people who died under suspicious circumstances since 30 December 2010
5 January
- Press Release: A new media campaign against UNOCI
[en Français
2 January
- Information Note: UNOCI, NGOs conduct sensitization for a peaceful post-election environment in Soko and Wélékéhi
[en Français
31 December
- Press release: UNOCI will help Cote d’Ivoire close the post-election parenthesis
[en Français
30 December
- Press release: UNOCI peacekeepers did not shoot at crowd in Abobo
[en Français
- Weekly press conference: UNOCI prevented from looking into mass-grave allegations
[en Français
29 December
28 December
- Under-Secretary-General Le Roy visits Bouaké
[en Français
- UNOCI convoy attacked in Yopougon
[en Français
- UNOCI Chief meets ECOWAS Envoys
[en Français
27 December
- Head of the UN peacekeeping operations meets AU representative, French Ambassador
[en Français
- Head of UN peacekeeping department meets with EU delegation head
[en Français
- Head of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operati
ons visits Côte d’Ivoire
[en Français
23 December
- Press conference of UNOCI’s Head of Human Rights Division, announcing that since 16 December the mission has registered 173 cases of extrajudicial killings, 90 cases of torture or other forms of maltreatment, 471 arbitrary arrests and detentions as well as 24 cases of forced disappearances.
[en Français
20 December
- Press Conference: Introductory remarks of the Head of UNOCI, clarifying mission's role under current circumstances
[en Français
- Press conference: UNOCI will continue to work to serve Ivorians (Summary)
[en Français
18 December
17 December
16 December
15 December
14 December
- UNOCI Chief meets Representative of the Facilitator
[en Français
- UNOCI intensifies its patrols, as part of its strategy to anticipate confrontations between the parties and reinforce the security situation [en Français]
13 December
- UNOCI sets up a Monitoring Committee on any obstruction to the peace process; summary of the UNOCI press conference
[en Français
11 December
- UNOCI Chief discusses post-electoral situation with Archbishop of Abidjan
(UNOCI press release) [en Français
10 December
9 December
8 December
- Press conference of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Côte d'Ivoire,
explaining the methods used for his certification of the run-off presidential elections [en Français
7 December
- ECOWAS extraordinary summit on Côte d'Ivoire: UNOCI Chief explains certification of presidential election
(UNOCI press release) [en Français
3 December
- Press conference of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the certification of the election results
[en Français
2 December
- UNOCI Chief meets President Gbagbo
- UNOCI Chief meets with the Head of the Constitutional Council and the Interior Minister
[en Français
1 December
- UNOCI Chief meets Ivorian Prime Minister
[en Français
- UNOCI transports the last tally sheets to the IEC headquarters
25 November
- Preparations for the second round of the presidential election: Introductory remarks by the UNOCI Chief at the press conference in Abidjan
[en Français
24 November
4 November
- Press conference: UNOCI chief welcomes the announcement of the provisional results of the first round of the presidential election
2 November
1 November
- Press conference by UNOCI Chief on the results of the presidential election (Summary)
- Introductory remarks by UNOCI Chief on the conduct of the presidential election
[en Français