Prepared by the Department of Public Information, United Nations
This text was last updated effective 21 October 1997
Not an official document of the United Nations
The 12 November 1995 Basic Agreement on the Region of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium provides for the peaceful integration of that region into Croatia. The Agreement requested the Security Council to establish a transitional administration to govern the region during the transititonal period of 12 months, and to authorize an international force to maintain peace and security during that period and to otherwise assist in the implementation of the Agreement.
UNTAES was set up on 15 January 1996 for an initial period of 12 months, with both military and civilian components. The military component is to supervise and facilitate the demilitarization of the Region; monitor the voluntary and safe return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes of origin in cooperation with UNHCR; contribute, by its presence, to the maintenance of peace and security in the region; and otherwise assist in implementation of the Basic Agreement. The civilian component is to establish a temporary police force, define its structure and size, develop a training programme and oversee its implementation, and monitor treatment of offenders and the prison system; undertake tasks relating to civil administration and to the functioning of public services; facilitate the return of refugees; organize elections, assist in their conduct, and certify the results. The component has also been requested to undertake other activities relevant to the Basic Agreement, including assistance in the coordination of plans for the development and economic reconstruction of the Region and monitoring of the parties' compliance with their commitments to respect the highest standards of human rights and fundamental freedoms, promote an atmosphere of confidence among all local residents irrespective of their ethnic origin, monitor and facilitate the demining of territory within the Region, and maintain an active public affairs element. UNTAES is also to cooperate with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in performing its mandate.
Member States are authorized, acting nationally or through regional organizations, to take all necessary measures, including close air support to defend or help withdraw UNTAES, and that such actions would be based on UNTAES' request and procedures communicated to the United Nations.
By adopting resolution 1079 (1996) on 15 November 1996, the Security Council extended UNTAES' mandate for six months, through 15 July 1997. By resolution 1120(1997) of 14 July 1997, the Security Council again extended UNTAES' mandate through 15 January 1998. The Council endorsed the plan for restructuring UNTAES and the drawdown of its military component by 15 October 1997
LOCATION: Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium
DURATION: January 1996 to January 1998
STRENGTH as of 30 September 1997: total of 2,847 uniformed personnel comprised of: 2,346 troops, 97 military observers and 404 civilian police provided by 30 countries
TRANSITIONAL ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. William Walker (United States)
(as of 1 August 1997)
FORCE COMMANDER: Major-General William Hanset (Belgium)
POLICE COMMISSIONER: Brigadier-General Walter Fallmann (Austria)
PERSONNEL CONTRIBUTORS as of 30 September 1997: Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Fiji, Finland, Ghana, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Kenya, Lithuania, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Ukraine, United States