Resolutions of the Security Council |
2008 |
30 July 2008 |
By which the Council decides to terminate UNMEE’s mandate effective on 31 July 2008 |
30 January 2008 |
By which the Council, concerned about the tense security situation in the TSZ and adjacent areas, extended the mandate of UNMEE for a period of six months, until 31 July 2008. |
2007 |
30 July 2007 |
By which the Council extended the mandate of UNMEE until 31 January 2008. |
30 January 2007 |
By which the Council extended the mandate of UNMEE for six months, until 31 July 2007, and approved the reconfiguration of UNMEE’s military component, from 2,300 to 1,700 military personnel, including 230 military observers. |
2006 |
29 September 2006 |
By which the Council decided to extend UNMEE for another four months, until 31 January 2007, and to transform or reconfigure it in the event the parties had not demonstrated progress towards demarcating their borders by then. |
31 May 2006 |
By which the Council extended the mandate of UNMEE for a period of four months, until 30 September 2006, and authorized the reconfiguration of UNMEE’s military component with the existing mandate. |
15 May 2006 |
By which the Council extended the mandate of UNMEE until 31 May 2006. |
13 April 2006 |
By which the Council extended the mandate of UNMEE for another month, until 15 May 2006. |
14 March 2006 |
By which the Council decided to extend the mandate of UNMEE for one month until 15 April 2006 and demanded that the two parties comply fully with resolution 1640 (2005), particularly paragraphs 1 and 5. |
2005 |
23 November 2005 |
By which the Council deplored Eritrea’s continued imposition of restrictions on the freedom of movement of UNMEE; called on Ethiopia and Eritrea to refrain from any threat or use of force against each other; called on both parties to work to break the stalemate through diplomatic efforts; and expressed its determination to consider further appropriate measures, including under Article 41 of the UN Charter, if one or both parties fail to comply with its demands. The Council also demanded that Ethiopia accept fully and without further delay the binding decision of the Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission. |
13 September 2005
By which the Council decided to extend the mandate of UNMEE until 15 March 2006 and approved the reconfiguration of its military component, including an increase in the number of military observers by ten, within the existing overall strength of the Mission. |
14 March 2005 |
By which the Council decided to extend the mandate of UNMEE until
15 September 2005, and called on both countries to refrain from any threat of use of force against each other. |
2004 |
14 September 2004 |
By which the Council decided to extend the mandate of UNMEE until 15 March 2005 and, among other things, approved the adjustments to UNMEE, including its presence and operations, as recommended by the Secretary-General in his report in paras. 13-18 (S/2004/708) |
12 March 2004 |
By which the Council extended the mandate of UNMEE until 15 September
2004 and, among other things, called on Eritrea and Ethiopia to cooperate
fully and promptly with the Boundary Commission and to create the
necessary conditions for demarcation to proceed expeditiously. |
2003 |
12 September 2003 |
By which the Council, among other things, extended the mandate
of UNMEE at the troop and military observer levels authorized by its
resolution 1320 (2000) of 15 September 2000, until 15 March 2004. |
14 March 2003 |
By which the Council decided to extend the mandate of UNMEE until
15 September 2003, and, among othr things, urged both Ethiopia and
Eritrea to continue to assume their responsibilities and fulfil their
commitments under the Algiers Agreements and called upon them to cooperate
fully and promptly with the Boundary Commission. |
2002 |
6 September 2002
By which the Council, among other things, decided to extend the
mandate of UNMEE until 15 March 2003. |
14 August 2002 |
By which the Council, among other things, decided to adjust the
mandate of UNMEE, in order to assist the Boundary Commission in the
expeditious and orderly implementation of its Delimitation Decision. |
15 March 2002 |
By which the Council extended UNMEE's mandate until 15 September
2002 and, among other things, expressed its satisfaction and anticipation
that a final legal settlement of the border issues was about to be
reached in accordance with the Algiers Agreements. |
2001 |
14 September 2001 |
By which the Council extended UNMEE's mandate until 15 March 2002
and, among other things, called on the parties to cooperate fully
and expeditiously with UNMEE in the implementation of its mandate
and to abide scrupulously by the letter and spirit of their agreements. |
15 March 2001 |
By which the Council decided to extend the mandate of UNMEE until
15 September 2001 and called on the parties to continue working towards
the full and prompt implementation of their Agreement. |
2000 |
15 September 2000 |
By which the Council authorized the deployment within UNMEE of up
to 4,200 troops, including up to 220 military observers. |
31 July 2000 |
By which the Council decided to establish the United Nations Mission
in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE). |
17 May 2000 |
By which the Council demanded the earliest possible reconvening,
without preconditions, of substantive peace talks. |
12 May 2000 |
By which the Council demanded the earliest possible reconvening,
without preconditions, of substantive peace talks. |
1999 |
10 February 1999
By which the Council demanded the resumption of diplomatic efforts
to find a peaceful resolution of the conflict. |
29 January 1999
By which the Council called for cooperation with the Organization
of African Unity (OAU) and calls for cooperation with the OAU. |
1998 |
26 June 1998
By which the Council requested the Secretary-General to provide
technical support to the parties to assist in the eventual delimitation
and demarcation of the common border between Ethiopia and Eritrea
and, for this purpose, establishes a Trust Fund and urges all Member
States to contribute to it. |