was established by Security Council resolution 619 (1988) of 9 August 1988, with the mandate to verify, confirm and supervise the ceasefire and the withdrawal of all forces to the internationally recognized boundaries, pending a comprehensive settlement. Its terms of reference were set out as follows:

  • to establish with the parties agreed ceasefire lines on the basis of the forward defended localities occupied by the two sides on D-Day but adjusting these, as may be agreed, when the positions of the two sides were judged to be dangerously close to each other;
  • to monitor compliance with the ceasefire;
  • to investigate any alleged violations of the ceasefire and restore the situation if a violation took place;
  • to prevent, through negotiation, any other change in the status quo, pending withdrawal of all forces to the internationally recognized boundaries;
  • to supervise, verify and confirm the withdrawal of all forces to the internationally recognized boundaries;
  • thereafter, to monitor the ceasefire on the internationally recognized boundaries, investigate alleged violations and prevent, through negotiation, any other change in the status quo, pending negotiation of a comprehensive settlement;
  • to obtain the agreement of the parties to other arrangements which, pending negotiation of a comprehensive settlement, could help to reduce tension and build confidence between them, such as the establishment of areas of separation of forces on either side of the international border, limitations on the number and calibre of weapons to be deployed in areas close to the international border, and patrolling by United Nations naval personnel of certain sensitive areas in or near the Shatt al-Arab.

By the end of September 1990, the withdrawal of all forces of both sides to the internationally recognized boundaries had been almost complete, although there were a few locations where, in UNIIMOG's view, the forces of each side remained on the wrong side of the boundaries. Following the adoption of resolution 671 (1990) of 27 September 1990, UNIIMOG concentrated on the following tasks:

  • to verify, confirm and supervise the remaining stages of the withdrawal;
  • to help the parties to resolve any local tensions that might arise, e.g., as a result of differences about the exact line of the border, moves forward, accidental firings, etc.;
  • to assist the parties in establishing an area of separation C an area on either side of the border into which each party would agree not to deploy military forces.

UNIIMOG completed its mandate on 28 February 1991.


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