- MINURCA was established by Security Council
resolution 1159 (1998) of 27 March 1998 with the following initial
To assist in maintaining and enhancing security and stability, including freedom of movement, in Bangui and the immediate vicinity of the city;
To assist the national security forces in maintaining law and order and in protecting key installations in Bangui;
To supervise, control storage, and monitor the final disposition of all weapons retrieved in the course of the disarmament exercise;
To ensure security and freedom of movement of United Nations personnel and the safety and security of United Nations property;
- To assist in coordination with other international efforts in a short-term police trainers programme and in other capacity-building efforts of the national police, and to provide advice on the restructuring of the national police and special police forces;
- To provide advice and technical support to the national electoral bodies regarding the electoral code and plans for the conduct of the legislative elections.
By its resolution
1182 (1998) of 14 July 1998, the Security Council recognizes
that MINURCA, in implementing its mandate:
May conduct limited-duration reconnaissance missions outside Bangui, and other tasks involving the security of United Nations personnel in accordance with paragraph 10 of resolution 1159 (1998).
By its resolution
1201 (1998) of 15 October 1998, the Security Council welcomed
the announcement by the authorities in the Central African Republic
to hold legislative elections on 22 November and 13 December 1998,
and decided that the mandate of MINURCA shall include support for
the conduct of legislative elections, and in particular:
The transport of electoral materials and equipment to selected sites and to the sous-préfectures, as well as the transport of United Nations electoral observers to and from electoral sites;
The conduct of a limited but reliable international observation of the first and second rounds of the legislative elections;
Ensuring the security of electoral materials and equipment during their transport to and at the selected sites, as well as the security of the international electoral observers.
By its resolution
1230 (1999) of 26 February 1999, the Security Council authorized
To play a supportive role in the conduct of the presidential elections, in conformity with the tasks previously performed during the legislative elections of November/December 1998, recognizing the major responsibility which the United Nations Development Programme would have in the coordination of electoral assistance;
To supervise the destruction of confiscated weapons and ammunition under MINURCA control.

Prepared for the Internet by the Information Technology Section/ Department of Public Information (DPI).
Maintained by the Peace and Security Section of DPI in cooperation with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations.
(c)United Nations