Patience needed in reconstructing East Timor, Annan tells Security Council, 29 February 2000
UN, Indonesia sign border accord on East Timor, 29 February 2000
UN mission in East Timor responds todengue outbreak, 28 February 2000
Australia, UN mission in East Timorsign $1.4 billion, 23 February 2000
INTERFET security force in EastTimor officially replaced by UN, 23 February 2000
East Timor under full militarycontrol of United Nations, 21 February 2000
Secretary-General thanks Australiafor taking lead, 21 February 2000
Cheered by East Timorese,Secretary-General ends two-day visit , 18 February 2000
Secretary-General receives emotional welcome in East Timor, 17 February 2000
International force in East Timor reports clashes with militia, 16 February 2000
Annan praises Indonesia’sdetermination over East Timor follow-up, 15 February 2000
UN takeover from internationalsecurity force continues in East Timor, 14 February 2000
Australia and UN mission in EastTimor sign agreement on oil exploration in Timor Gap, 11 February 2000
Security in Oecussi enclave to behigh priority for UN mission, 10 February 2000
Reconstruction funds for East Timor to be available soon ,UN administrator says, 9 February 2000
UN forensic experts continue probe at massacre site in East Timor, 4 February 2000
Funds needed urgently to avert strife in East Timor, head of UN mission tells Security Council , 4 February 2000
UNHCR urges Indonesia to help stop violence against refugees and aid workers in West Timor, 4 February 2000
Number of bodies exhumed in East Timorese enclave reaches 37, 4 February 2000
Funds needed urgently to avert strife in east Timor, head of UN mission tells Security Council, 3 February 2000
Fifteen bodies exhumed in East Timor enclave, 2 February 2000
UN takes over command of peacekeeping forces in East Timor, 1 February 2000