APRIL 2001
77 more police cadets graduate in East Timor, 30 April 2001
Civic education programme ends in East Timor, 27 April 2001
East Timor: new panel to seek input from civil society on truth commission, 26 April 2001
East Timor National Council endorses draft on truth commission, 25 April 2001
Two UN peacekeeping missions create awareness-raising units on HIV/AIDS, 24 April 2001
Ramos-Horta resigns from National Council, 23 April 2001
UN peacekeepers arrest suspects in Viqueque murders, 17 April 2001
UN team visits Indonesia's West Timor to encourage repatriation, 16 April 2001
East Timor "flexible" in talks over Timor Sea dispute, UN mission says, 12 April 2001
East Timor National Council elects business representative as new Speaker, 09 April 2001
Security Council discusses elections, leadership and civil unrest in East Timor, 05 April 2001
Transitional Cabinet endorses establishment of police service, 04 April 2001
East Timor: Ramos-Horta appointed by UN administrator to replace Gusmão on National Council, 02April 2001
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