Dili, 15 December 2000

Oecussi pro-autonomy leader João Corbafu arrived in Dili yesterday, for a week’s visit. He met with UNTAET’s Chief of Staff N. Parameswaran today and has expressed wishes to meet with SRSG Sergio Vieira de Mello, Bishop Belo and CNRT President Xanana Gusmão before he returns to West Timor via Oecussi. These meetings have not yet been set up.

Corbafu, who claims that he could encourage thousands of refugees to return, arrived in Oecussi proper last Monday for the first time since the violence of last year.

The "come and see" visit follows a meeting between Corbafu and Xanana Gusmão on 23 November at the camp of the Jordanian Peacekeepers in Bobomento, Oecussi.


An Office of National Disaster Management will be in place by next month within the East Timor Transitional Administration (ETTA). The Office, to be staffed by five Timorese and two internationals, will be responsible for the implementation of a disaster response structure for use during the upcoming wet season, among other things. Three of the Timorese have already been hired and are currently undergoing training.

The office is following a National Disaster Management Plan, which was drafted by a UNDP consultant who recently visited East Timor and staff from a Disaster Preparedness Working Group, comprised of UNTAET departments, the Peacekeeping Force, UN agencies and NGOs.

The National Disaster Management Plan recommends the design of a co-ordination system to prepare for and respond to natural disasters, as well as giving practical advice, such as keeping drainage canals clear, reinforce roofs, keep food reserves etc.

It also identifies areas especially vulnerable to heavy rains in East Timor. These are, for example, steep slopes with poor vegetation due to deforestation, and other areas where the soil is unstable.

The Disaster Management Plan will be presented before the East Timor Transitional Cabinet shortly.


An inter-agency UNAIDS team that visited East Timor recently has completed its report on the short and long term strategies for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI).

The report recommends the creation of a United Nations Coordination Unit that would support the effective implementation of HIV/AIDS and STI-preventive activities. The Unit would function as a focal point for UN co-sponsors of HIV/AIDS/STI activities and coordinate the work between East Timor Transitional Administration’s Division of Health Services and NGOs and other UN departments.

The report also recommends that priority be given to informing the East Timorese population about HIV/AIDS and its prevention among four main groups – students at school, other youth in the community, women in reproductive age and Commercial Sex Workers.


A Regulation on the Establishment of a Transitional Defence Force for East Timor has been drafted and circulated within UNTAET for comment. It will subsequently be passed on to UN Headquarters in New York for further comment.

In addition, the East Timor Transitional Cabinet agreed last Wednesday, 13 December, that Hera Polytechnic outside Dili should be used for the basic training of the first battalion of East Timor Defence Force. This is an interim decision, which does not preclude the possibility that the Polytechnic will revert to its original use as a school.

In related news, the Falintil Reinsertion Assistance Programme started yesterday. Three survey teams will assess the future needs of Falintil members who are not going to be part of the East Timor Defence Force to settle back into civilian life and to resume or start an activity that will enable them to support themselves and their families.

The programme is funded by the World Bank and USAID with the International Organization for Migration as implementing partner.


In its last formal session before the National Council recesses for the holidays, the body voted to approve a motion on labour issues presented by Cabinet member Avelino Coelho da Silva.

The motion addresses labor issues related to drivers working for the World Food Program. According to Coelho da Silva, the World Food Program hired Timorese drivers on unfavorable labor conditions for the Timorese (contracts signed in English, low salaries, long working hours, etc), a situation observed throughout East Timor.

In order to improve labor relations, he proposed, among other things, that the Transitional Administration implement the existing Indonesian Labor Law and other related International Conventions, that the Standing Committee on Internal Administration and Social Affairs be instructed to prepare a Labor Law to replace the existing Indonesian Labor Law, and that minimum wage be established in the country.

The Council will resume its duties on 18 January.

The last formal meeting of the East Timor Transitional Cabinet before the Christmas holidays will take place on Wednesday, 20 December. They will resume in the New Year with its first informal meeting on Friday, 5 January, and its first formal meeting on Wednesday, 10 January.


Last week, the Central Payments Office (CPO) recruited an additional 15 East Timorese staff out of 90 applicants for various position in its office. Four successful applicants are women.

The interviews were carried out by senior staff from CPO, the East Timor Transitional Administration and the Asian Development Bank. The new staff is expected to start their functions early next year. Currently, the office has 29 East Timorese staff.

In addition, the final selection process for the position of a Timorese District Administrator for Dili was completed on 13 December. The appointment is expected to be made early next year by the Transitional Administrator.

Also, this week the Civil Service and Public Employment is carrying out interviews of 36 candidates for five various positions in the Department of Agriculture.