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United Nations Organization Mission in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
United Nations Documents on MONUC
As of 1 July 2010, MONUC was renamed the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). For MONUSCO Documents »
Resolutions of the Security Council
- The Security Council authorized, from 1 January 2007, until the expiry of MONUC’s than current mandate on 15 February 2007, an increase in the military strength of MONUC of up to 916 military personnel, to allow for the continued deployment to MONUC of the infantry battalion and the military hospital authorized under the ONUB mandate
of 22 December 2006
- The Security Council decided to extend the mandate of MONUC until 15 February 2007; extended until the same date the increase in the military and civilian police strength authorized to assist in the electoral process and, until 31 December 2006, an authorization to redeploy a maximum of one infantry battalion, a military hospital and 50 military observers from ONUB to MONUC, underlining the temporary character of those arrangements
of 29 September 2006
- The Security Council decided to renew the existing sanctions regime in the DRC for a further year, in light of the failure by the parties to comply with its demands
of 31 July 2006
- The Security Council decided to extend until 30 September 2006 the strength authorization contained in resolution 1669
of 30 June 2006
- The Security Council decided to extend the increase authorized by resolutions 1621 and 1635 until 30 September 2006
of 30 June 2006
- The Security Council authorized, for a period ending four months after the date of the first round of upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, the temporary deployment of a European Union reserve force ("Eufor R.D.Congo") to support MONUC in the DRC
of 25 April 2006
- The Security Council decided to authorize the Secretary-General to redeploy temporarily a maximum of one infantry battalion, a military hospital and up to 50 military observers from ONUB (UN Operation in Burundi) to MONUC, until 1 July 2006
of 10 April 2006
- The Security Council, among other things, requested the Secretary-General to re-establish the Group of Experts, for a period expiring on 31 July 2006, to continue fulfilling its mandate as defined in resolutions 1533, 1596 and 1649
of 31 January 2006
- The Security Council, among other things, demanded that foreign fighters in DRC disarm by 15 January or face sanctions
of 21 December 2005
- The Security Council, among other things, extended the mandate of MONUC until 30 September 2006 and authorized an increase of 300 personnel in its military strength. The Council underlined the temporary character of this increase and requested the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps with a view to downsizing or repatriating this additional strength from 1 July 2006 at the latest
of 28 October 2005
- The Security Council decided to extend the mandate of MONUC until 31 October 2005
of 30 September 2005
- The Security Council, among other things, authorized an increase of 841 personnel in the strength of the Mission, including additional police personnel, and up to five formed police units of 125 officers each. Underlining the temporary character of such deployment, it requested the Secretary-General to start downsizing or repatriating the additional personnel from 1 July 2006 at the latest
of 6 September 2005
- The Security Council, among other things, reiterated its serious concern regarding the presence of armed groups and militias in the eastern DRC, condemned the continued illicit flow of weapons within and into that country and decided to maintain the existing sanctions regime in the DRC for another year in light of the parties’ failure to comply with its demands
of 29 July 2005
- Reissued for technical reasons on 3 May 2005
of 18 April 2005
- The Security Council, among other things, condemned the continuing illicit flow of weapons within and into the DRC and decided that the arms embargo imposed by resolution 1493 of July 2003 would apply to any recipient within that country’s territory, and imposed a travel ban and assets freeze on those violating the embargo
of 18 April 2005
- The Security Council, among other things, extended the mandate of MONUC until 1 October 2005, reaffirmed its concern regarding acts of sexual exploitation and abuse committed by UN personnel against the local population and urged troop-contributing countries to take appropriate action to prevent such acts by their personnel in MONUC
of 30 March 2005
- The Security Council, among other things, extended the mandate of MONUC until 31 March 2005 and authorized the increase of MONUC’s strength by 5,900 personnel
of 1 October 2004
- The Security Council, among other things, extended the mandate of MONUC until 1 October 2004
of 29 July 2004
- The Security Council, among other things, decided to renew its arms embargo against irregular forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo until 31 July of 2005 "in light of the failure by the parties to comply" with previous demands and called for the re-establishment of an expert group to analyze any further violations
of 27 July 2004
- The Security Council, among other things, decided to establish a committee to monitor compliance with the arms embargo imposed last July against all armed groups operating in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
of 12 March 2004
- The Security Council, among other things, welcomed the efforts currently undertaken to set up the first integrated and unified brigade in Kisangani
of 15 January 2004
- The Security Council, among other things, authorized the States members of the Interim Emergency Multinational Force to provide assistance to the MONUC contingent deployed in Bunia and its immediate surroundings, if MONUC requests them to do so and if exceptional circumstances demand it
of 26 August 2003
- The Security Council, among other things, extended the mandate of MONUC until 30 July 2004, increased the military strength to 10,800 and authorized MONUC to use all necessary means to fulfil its mandate in Ituri and North and South Kivu
of 28 July 2003
- The Security Council, extended the mandate of MONUC until 30 July 2003
of 26 June 2003
- The Security Council, among other things, authorized the deployment until 1 September 2003 of an Interim Emergency Multinational Force in Bunia in close coordination with MONUC
of 30 May 2003
- The Security Council, among other things, welcomed the agreement on transitional arrangements, requested the Secretary-General to increase the number of personnel in MONUC’s human rights component and expressed its support to the broad orientations set out by the Secretary-General in his last report on the role of MONUC in support of the peace process
of 20 March 2003
- The Security Council, among other things, requested the Secretary-General to give a new mandate of six months to the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
of 24 January 2003