October 2001
East Timor: 600 more refugees return home from West Timor, UN mission says, 29 October 2001
First East Timor defence force battalion inaugurated: UN Mission, 26 October 2001
East Timor: talks with Indonesia on legal issues 'generally positive,' UN says, 24 October 2001
East Timor: assembly slates 20 May 2002 for UN to hand over sovereignty, 22 October 2001
Another group of refugees returns to East Timor, UN mission says, 19 October 2001
Ex-militia leader and nearly 400 refugees return to East Timor: UN Mission, 17 October 2001
East Timor assembly submits main themes for first constitution: UN mission, 10 October 2001
East Timor: UN mission, former militia hold another meeting to discuss returns, 4 October 2001
Steps under way to create truth commission in East Timor, UN mission reports, 2 October 2001
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