East Timor cabinet backs creation of truth commission to record rights abuses, 26 February 2001
UN troops clash with militia at East/West Timor border, 26 February 2001
In Jakarta, chief of UN East Timor mission discusses human rights tribunal, 23 February 2001
East Timor National Council calls for elections of constituent assembly, 22 February 2001
East Timor court holds hearing into first case of crimes against humanity, 16 February 2001
UN agency, peace mission team up on national museum project, 15 February 2001
Top UN development official calls for steps to ready East Timor for independence, 14 February 2001
second trial for serious crimes committed in 1999 begins in Dili, 13 February 2001
UN-backed reconciliation seminar opens in East Timor, 12 February 2001
In East Timor, top UN development official to launch anti-corruption project, 9 February 2001
East Timor to regulate production and sale of firearms, 7 February 2001
UN mission files second war crimes indictment for 1999, 6 February 2001
UN holds reconciliation meeting between militia and villagers, 2 February 2001
Head of UN East Timor mission pays tribute to Falintil, 1 February 2001

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