21 March 2001 -- Around 30 representatives from the East Timorese sub-districts of Viqueque and Uato Lari met today in Viqueque town to establish a Reconciliation Committee following last week's riot, the United Nations peace mission in the territory said today.
In a statement issued in Dili, the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) said the meeting was attended by all village chiefs, as well as representatives from the Catholic church, the National Council for Timorese Resistance (CNRT), the Justice and Peace Commission and the UN mission.
The new reconciliation committee has 17 members, including Viqueque District Administrator Ilda Maria de Conceição and priests from Viqueque and Uato Lari sub-districts.
On Saturday, the Committee will meet the youth leaders of martial art groups from Boramatan and Olobay, who were involved in last week's fighting. The Committee will then go to Uato Lari to meet representatives of Makadiki village who were also involved.
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