Manuel Carrascalão, business representative in the National Council, was elected Speaker of the National Council today, after a motion failed to delay the election of a Speaker until May. The representative of Dili district Maria Odete Faria offered a motion to delay the election of a Speaker until May to allow for further discussions. This motion failed on a vote of 11 in favor, 13 against and two abstentions. The Council then proceeded to the election of a Speaker. Two members were nominated as candidates. Clementino dos Reis Amaral, representing KOTA, a political party, nominated José Ramos-Horta, CNRT representative, and the Dili district representative nominated Manuel Carrascalão. Four other candidates including Deputy Speaker Milena Pires, NGO representative Aniceto Guterres, socialist party leader Avelino Coelho and Father José António da Costa, representative of Catholic Church, were nominated but declined to accept. The vote, which for the first time was carried out by secret ballot, resulted in a tie vote with each candidate receiving 13 votes. There was one blank vote. José Ramos-Horta withdrew his name from consideration and the Deputy Speaker declared Manuel Carrascalão as Speaker. In addressing the members for the first time as Speaker, Manuel Carrascalão said that he regretted the outcome as he had been in favor of postponing the vote for further consultations. But there was no way back and he would accept his responsibility. As Speaker, he said he would act in accordance with the will of the majority. Mr. Carrascalão replaces CNRT President Xanana Gusmão as the Speaker. On 28 March Gusmão sent a letter to SRSG Sergio Vieira de Mello announcing his resignation from the National Council. The Council adjourned until 23 April 2001.