SRSG Sergio Vieira de Mello today observed World Press Freedom Day by attending the inauguration in Dili of the new offices of a local magazine, Talitakum. Representatives from the diplomatic corps, the East Timor Defence Force, the East Timor Police Academy, various NGOs and the journalist community attended the ceremony. Mr. Vieira de Mello in a speech asked all journalists in East Timor to adhere to the highest standards of professional integrity, refrain from hate mongering and not to be biased in their news coverage. “I would like to appeal to the Timorese journalists to help us prepare for the forthcoming elections in a spirit of democracy and tolerance,” de Mello said. “You have a crucial role to play. You must ensure that information of high quality is available to the public, in order to create awareness among the population and help them develop their own critical judgement.” Currently, two daily newspapers and around ten magazines are being published in East Timor. Apart from Radio UNTAET, there are three radio stations broadcasting in Dili and four community radio stations operating in the districts.