MAY 2000

UN mission in East Timor suggests power sharing arrangements, 30 May 2000

UN reiterates pledge to protect ethnic minorities in East Timor, 26 May 2000

UN mission makes progress in building East Timor's institutions, Security Council told, 25 May 2000

Death toll rises in West Timor floods, 24 May 2000

Floods claim more lives in West Timor as airlifts continue, 23 May 2000

Death count rises in East Timor floods, says UN mission, 19 May 2000

Dozens of East Timorese refugees die in West Timor flooding, UN reports, 18 May 2000

UN mission begins television broadcasts in East Timor, 16 May 2000

First public hearing held by district court in East Timor: UNTAET, 12 May 2000

Repatriation from West to East Timor picks up: UNHCR, 9 May 2000

UN and World Bank team up to help rebuild East Timor's health sector, 5 May 2000

Repatriation slows in East Timor: UNHCR, 2 May 2000

UN and Indonesia open first land crossing between East and West Timor, 1 May 2000

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